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1141 저널기사 The vanishing hand: the changing dynamics of industrial capitalism 미리보기
Langlois, R. N. Oxford University Press 2003
1142 저널기사 The Vanishing Interest Income of Chinese Banks 미리보기
Karlo Kauko MIT Press 2021
1143 저널기사 THE VANISHING JD 미리보기
Kaplan, David A Time, inc., etc.] 2012
1144 저널기사 The Vanishing Library 미리보기
Johnny Rodger New Left Review Ltd.] 2019
1145 저널기사 The vanishing marginals, the bandwagon, and the mass media. 미리보기
Goidel, Robert K.; Shields, Todd G. Cambridge University Press
1146 저널기사 The vanishing role of money in the macro-economy: An empirical investigation for India 미리보기
Nachane, D. M.; Dubey, A. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
1147 저널기사 The Vanishing Rouble: Barter Networks and Non-monetary Transactions in Post-Soviet Societies. Edited by Paul Seabright 미리보기
Aslund, A. Academic Press; 1999 2002
1148 저널기사 THE VANISHING TERRAIN OF GAY AMERICA In search of what was lost when gay life entered the mainstream 미리보기
Lindenberger, Michael The Republic Pub. Co 2015
1149 저널기사 The Vans Sensor Negatively Controls VanR-Mediated Transcriptional Activation of Glycopeptide Resistance Genes of Tn1546 and Related Elements in the Absence of Induction 미리보기
Arthur, M American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
1150 저널기사 The Vantiv Partnership Forum 미리보기
Bill Communications 2013
1151 저널기사 The Vanuatu Tourism Adaptation System: a holistic approach to reducing climate risk 미리보기
Loehr, Johanna Multilingual Matters 2020
1152 저널기사 The vaporization of a liquid front moving through a hot porous rock. Part 2. Slow injection 미리보기
Woods, A. W Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
1153 저널기사 The var genes of Plasmodium falciparum are located in the subtelomeric region of most chromosomes 미리보기
Rubio, J. P Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
1154 저널기사 The Variabilities and Correlations of Stock Market Indices 미리보기
Theobald, Michael;Whitman, John Institute of Chartered Accountants 1978
1155 저널기사 The Variability and Spectrum of NGC 5548 in the Extreme Ultraviolet 미리보기
Marshall, H. L Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
1156 저널기사 The Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Radial Transport of Vertical 158 Magnetic Flux 미리보기
Park, S. J Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
1157 저널기사 The variability of a newly discovered gamma Doradus star, HD 108100 미리보기
Breger, M Springer-Verlag 1980
1158 저널기사 The variability of attitudinal repeat-rates 미리보기
Riley, F. Dall'Olmo North-Holland 1997
1159 저널기사 The Variability of Criterion-Related Validity Estimates Among Interviewers and Interview Panels 미리보기
Van Iddekinge, C. H.; Sager, C. E.; Burnfield, J. L.; Heffner, T. S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
1160 저널기사 The Variability of Crop Production in Private and Socialized Agriculture: Evidence from Eastern Europe 미리보기
Josef C. Brada University of Chicago Press
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