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11741 저널기사 V Hydrae: the missing link between spherical red giants and bipolar planetary nebulae? Radio observations of the molecular envelope 미리보기
Kahane, C Springer-Verlag 1996
11742 저널기사 Viability After Transfer to Recipients of Porcine Embryos Produced in Vitro 미리보기
Kashiwazaki, N Butterworths, etc 1998
11743 저널기사 Viability analysis of the wild sika deer (Cervus nippon) population in China: Threats of habitat loss and effectiveness of management interventions 미리보기
Zhang, Lyubing; Ameca y Juárez, Eric I.; Jiang, Zhigang Urban & Fischer 2018
11744 저널기사 Viability and Corridor Stability in Keynesian Supply-driven Growth 미리보기
11745 저널기사 Viability and Drug Susceptibility Testing of M. Leprae Using Mouse Footpad in 37 Relapse Cases of Leprosy/ 미리보기
Shetty, V. P Business and Circulation office 2003
11746 저널기사 Viability and Freshwater Performance of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) x Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Triploid Hybrids 미리보기
Galbreath, P. F National Research Council Canada 1980
11747 저널기사 Viability and Safety of Combination Drug Therapies for Erectile Dysfunction/ 미리보기
Steers, W. D American Urological Association Inc 2003
11748 저널기사 Viability and Vigor of Osmotically Primed Muskmelon Seeds After Nine Years of Storage 미리보기
Oluoch, M. O American Society for Horticultural Science] 1996
11749 저널기사 Viability, Economic Transition and Reflection on Neoclassical Economics 미리보기
Lin, J. Y. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
11750 저널기사 Viability, Electability, and Candidate Choice in a Presidential Primary Election: A Test of Competing Models. 미리보기
Abramowitz, Alan I. Cambridge University Press
11751 저널기사 Viability, Electability, and Candidate Choice in a Presidential Primary Election: A Test of Competing Models. 미리보기
Abramowitz, Alan I. Cambridge University Press
11752 저널기사 Viability in Methyl Soyate of Microbial Contaminants from Farm Fuel Storage Tanks 미리보기
Ryu, D American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1996
11753 저널기사 Viability loss and oxidative stress in Lily bulbs during long-term cold storage 미리보기
Bonnier, F. J. M Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd 1980
11754 저널기사 Viability mechanisms in market systems: prerequisites for market shaping 미리보기
Peters, Linda D.; Nenonen, Suvi; Polese, Francesco; Frow, Pennie; Payne, Adrian Emerald Group Publishing Limited
11755 저널기사 Viability of a concentrated solar power system in a low sun belt prefecture 미리보기
Rahul Bhattacharjee ; Subhadeep Bhattacharjee Higher Education Press : springer. 2020
11756 저널기사 Viability of bacteria in unused air filter media 미리보기
Maus, R Pergamon 1997
11757 저널기사 Viability of Bovine Blastocysts Obtained After 7, 8 OR 9 Days of CultureIn Vitro Following Vitrification and One-step Rehydration 미리보기
Saha, S Butterworths, etc 1996
11758 저널기사 Viability of building rehabilitation with real option approaches: an empirical study in Hong Kong 미리보기
Hui, E. C.; Lau, O. M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
11759 저널기사 Viability of Diced, Crushed Cartilage Grafts and the Effects of Surgicel (Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose) on Cartilage Grafts/ 미리보기
Yilmaz, Sarper Williams & Wilkins 2001
11760 저널기사 Viability of Diced, Crushed Cartilage Grafts and the Effects of Surgicel (Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose) on Cartilage Grafts/ 미리보기
Yilmaz, Sarper Williams & Wilkins 2001
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