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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11801 저널기사 Vibrac suspends sale of Droplix 미리보기
The Association 1997
11802 저널기사 Vibrating wire measurements in dilute 3He-4He solutions at ballistic quasiparticle regime/ 미리보기
Martikainen, J North-Holland 2003
11803 저널기사 Vibrational^1^3 C-Cross-Polarization/Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopic and Thermal Characterization of Poly(alanine-glycine) as Model for Silk I Bombyx mori Fibroin/ 미리보기
Monti, P John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 2003
11804 저널기사 Vibrational, 31P NMR and crystallographic studies of diiodine adducts of some bidentate tertiary phosphine sulfides/ 미리보기
Apperley, David C Pergamon Press 2001
11805 저널기사 Vibrational analysis and ionization potentials of XCH3 (X=Be,Mg,Ca) calculated by hybrid density functional theory and high order ab initio methods/ 미리보기
Jalbout, Abraham F North Holland 2001
11806 저널기사 Vibrational analysis from linear response theory 미리보기
Filippone, Francesco North Holland 2001
11807 저널기사 Vibrational analysis of carbonyl modes in different stages of light-induced cyclopyrimidine dimer repair reactions/ 미리보기
Schmitz, Matthias North Holland 2001
11808 저널기사 Vibrational analysis of different crystalline phases of the organic electroluminescent material aluminium tris(quinoline-8-olate) (Alq~3)/ 미리보기
Colle, M Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
11809 저널기사 Vibrational Analysis of Nucleic Acids. IV. Normal Modes of the DNA Phosphodiester Structure Modeled by Diethyl Phosphate 미리보기
Guan, Y John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1996
11810 저널기사 Vibrational analysis of the (Cs+CO)-(2x2) compound layer on Ru(0001) 미리보기
He, P American Institute of Physics 1980
11811 저널기사 Vibrational analysis of the NH + N coadsorbate on Ru(0001) 미리보기
Dietrich, H North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
11812 저널기사 Vibrational analysis of the spectra of 1,3,4-oxadiazole, 1,3,4-thiadiazole, 1,2,5-oxadiazole and 1,2,5-thiadiazole: comparison between DFT, MP2 and HF force fields 미리보기
El-Azhary, A. A Pergamon Press 1980
11813 저널기사 Vibrational and Electronic Excitations in Poly(methylphenylsilane) and Poly(diphenylsiloxane) Films: Surface Aspects/ 미리보기
Botelho do Rego, Ana Maria American Chemical Society 2001
11814 저널기사 Vibrational and electronic spectra of (benzene-benzyl alcohol)+ 미리보기
Ohashi, Kazuhiko North Holland 2000
11815 저널기사 Vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of the octacyanodimolybdate ion,[Mo~2(CN)~8]^4^- 미리보기
Bell, I. M Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
11816 저널기사 Vibrational and geometric structures of Nb~3C~2 and Nb~3C^+~2 from pulsed field ionization-zero electron kinetic energy photoelectron spectra anddensity functional calculations 미리보기
Yang, D.-S American Institute of Physics 1980
11817 저널기사 Vibrational and impedance spectroscopic studies on lithium vanadate prepared by solid-state reaction/ 미리보기
Vijayakumar, M North-Holland 2003
11818 저널기사 Vibrational and intruder structures in ^1^1^6Cd (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Kadi, M Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
11819 저널기사 Vibrational and relaxational contributions in disaccharide/H 2)O glass formers (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Branca, C Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
11820 저널기사 Vibrational and rotational energy distribution of ClO produced in reactions of O(^1D) atoms with HCl, CCl~4, and chlorofluoromethanes 미리보기
Matsumi, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
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