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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11821 저널기사 Vibrational and solid-state phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies of 1:1 complexes of PPh~3 with gold(I) halides; crystal structure of [AuBr(PMe~3)] 미리보기
Angermuir, K Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
11822 저널기사 Vibrational anharmonicity and multilevel vibrational dephasing from vibrational echo beats 미리보기
Rector, K. D American Institute of Physics 1980
11823 저널기사 Vibrational Assignments for High Molecular Weight Linear Polyethylenimine (LPEI) Based on Monomeric and Tetrameric Model Compounds/ 미리보기
York, S. S American Chemical Society 2003
11824 저널기사 Vibrational autoionization in polyatomic molecules 미리보기
Jungen, C American Institute of Physics 1980
11825 저널기사 Vibrational averaging of NMR properties for an N-H-N hydrogen bond 미리보기
Jordan, Meredith J T North Holland 2001
11826 저널기사 Vibrational behaviour of lattices of plates: basic behaviour and hypersensitivity phenomena 미리보기
Rebillard, E Academic Press 1980
11827 저널기사 Vibrational Circular Dichroism and IR Absorption of DNA Complexes with Cu Ions/ 미리보기
Andrushchenko, V John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 2003
11828 저널기사 Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectra of Proteins in the Amide III Region: Measurement and Correlation of Bandshape to Secondary Structure 미리보기
Baello, B. I Academic Press 1980
11829 저널기사 Vibrational coherence effects on electronic curve crossing 미리보기
Jean, J. M American Institute of Physics 1980
11830 저널기사 Vibrational coherence in electron transfer: The tetracyanoethylene-pyrene complex 미리보기
Wynne, K American Institute of Physics 1980
11831 저널기사 Vibrational coherence in nonadiabatic dynamics 미리보기
Bixon, M American Institute of Physics 1980
11832 저널기사 Vibrational coherence in ultrafast excited state proton transfer 미리보기
Riedle, E. Chudoba, C. Elsaesser, T. Pfeiffer, M. North Holland 1996
11833 저널기사 Vibrational constants and binding energies of Sr+Xe 미리보기
Massaouti, Maria North Holland 2001
11834 저널기사 Vibrational contributions to the molecular first and second hyperpolarizabilities of a push-pull polyene 미리보기
Kim, H.-S American Institute of Physics 1980
11835 저널기사 Vibrational cooling after ultrafast photoisomerization of azobenzene measured by femtosecond infrared spectroscopy 미리보기
Hamm, P American Institute of Physics 1980
11836 저널기사 Vibrational coupling of CO adsorbed on monodispersed Ni~1~1 clusters supported on magnesia 미리보기
Vanolli, F. Heiz, U. Schneider, W.-D. North Holland 1997
11837 저널기사 Vibrational couplings and energy flow in complexes of NH~3` with HCN, HCCH, and HCCCCH 미리보기
Hilpert, G American Institute of Physics 1980
11838 저널기사 Vibrational deactivation of F~2(nu = 1, j = 0) by ^3He at very low energy: A comparative study with the He-N~2 collision (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Stoecklin, T Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
11839 저널기사 Vibrational deactivation of N~2 by inelastic collisions with ^3He and ^4He 미리보기
Simpson, C. J. S. M. Quiney, H. M. Reid, J. P. North Holland 1996
11840 저널기사 Vibrational deactivation of N~2(v = 1) by inelastic collisions with ^3Heand ^4He: An experimental and a theoretical study 미리보기
Reid, J. P American Institute of Physics 1980
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