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11841 저널기사 Vibrational density of states of nanocrystalline iron and nickel/ 미리보기
Bonetti, Ennio American Institute of Physics 2000
11842 저널기사 Vibrational Dephasing Mechanisms in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems 미리보기
Bonn, M American Physical Society 1980
11843 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics and energy flow in a multi-mode organometallic compound 미리보기
Engel, V. Markert, T. Malisch, W. North Holland 1997
11844 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics and heat capacity of �poly(L-serine) 미리보기
Gupta, A Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1997
11845 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics and thermodynamics of Ni(977) 미리보기
Kara, A American Institute of Physics 1980
11846 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of bond-center hydrogen in crystalline silicon (18 pages)/ 미리보기
Budde, M 2001
11847 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of CO at single-crystal platinum electrodes in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes 미리보기
Peremans, A North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
11848 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of CO at the (100) platinum electrochemical interface 미리보기
Guyot-Sionnest, P. Peremans, A. Tadjeddine, A. North Holland 1995
11849 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of force microscopy: Effect of tip dimensions 미리보기
Wright, O. B American Institute of Physics 1980
11850 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of H atoms chemisorbed on metal (110) surfaces 미리보기
Altshuler, E. S North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
11851 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of large clusters from helium atom scattering: Calculations for Ar~5~5 미리보기
Schroeder, T American Institute of Physics 1980
11852 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of low frequency (< 100 cm^-^1) adsorbate motions 미리보기
Culver, J. P North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
11853 저널기사 Vibrational dynamics of the CH stretching mode of H-terminated diamond surfaces 미리보기
Zhigilei, L. V North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
11854 저널기사 Vibrational Echo Studies of Protein Dynamics 미리보기
Rella, C. W American Physical Society 1980
11855 저널기사 Vibrational echo studies of pure dephasing: Mechanisms in liquids and glasses 미리보기
Kwok, A. S. Ferrante, C. Francis, R. S. Rector, K. D. North Holland 1997
11856 저널기사 Vibrational effects on the shape resonance energy in the K-shell photoionization spectra of CO (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Mistrov, D. A Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
11857 저널기사 Vibrational eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for planar acetylene by wave-packet propagation, and its mode-selective infrared excitation 미리보기
Liu, L American Institute of Physics 1980
11858 저널기사 Vibrational energies of adsorbates on GaAs surfaces 미리보기
Pollard, W American Institute of Physics 1980
11859 저널기사 Vibrational energy accumulation in dendrimers by infrared radiation, inducing nonlinear dependence of isomerization rates on the low light intensity/ 미리보기
Okada, Akira North Holland 2001
11860 저널기사 Vibrational energy flow analysis using a substructure approach: the application of receptance theory to FEA and SEA 미리보기
Shankar, K Academic Press 1980
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