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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11901 저널기사 Vibrational levels of p-xylene cation determined by mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Zhang, B North Holland 2003
11902 저널기사 Vibrational lifetimes and vibrational line positions in polyatomic supercritical fluids near the critical point 미리보기
Urdahl, R. S American Institute of Physics 1980
11903 저널기사 Vibrational line broadening in the mixed solid N2-Kr: A high-pressure Raman study of the phase diagram (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Lotz, H T Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
11904 저널기사 Vibrational line shifts of hydrogen halides in a rare gas environment: HF/DF and HCl/DCl in Ar matrices and clusters 미리보기
Schmidt, B. Jungwirth, P. North Holland 1996
11905 저널기사 Vibrational local modes of a-Si~1~-~xC~x:H alloys and variation of localmodes in different local environments 미리보기
Lin, S.-Y American Institute of Physics 1980
11906 저널기사 Vibrational local modes of a-SiO~2:H and variation of local modes in different local environments 미리보기
Lin, S.-Y American Institute of Physics 1980
11907 저널기사 Vibrationally and rotationally resolved angular distributions for F + H~2 -> HF(v',j')+H reactive scattering 미리보기
Dharmasena, G American Institute of Physics 1980
11908 저널기사 Vibrationally assisted DIET through transient temperature rise: the case of benzene on Pt{111}/ 미리보기
Arnolds, H North Holland 2003
11909 저널기사 Vibrationally elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons by hydrogen sulphide molecules 미리보기
Nishimura, T IOP Pub 1980
11910 저널기사 Vibrationally excited products after the photodesorption of NO from Pt(111): a two-mode open-system density matrix approach 미리보기
Finger, K. Saalfrank, P. North Holland 1997
11911 저널기사 Vibrationally excited states of HC~5P: millimetre-wave spectroscopy and coupled cluster calculations/ 미리보기
Bizzocchi, L Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
11912 저널기사 Vibrationally excited state spectroscopy of radicals in a supersonic plasma 미리보기
Bazalgette Courr�ges-Lacoste, G 2001
11913 저널기사 Vibrationally inelastic and elastic cross sections for e + NF~3 collisions 미리보기
Boesten, L IOP Pub 1980
11914 저널기사 Vibrationally mediated photodissociation of isocyanic acid (HNCO): Preferential N-H bond fission by excitation of the reaction coordinate 미리보기
Brown, S. S American Institute of Physics 1980
11915 저널기사 Vibrationally resolved 1s -> 2�decay spectra of CO at the C and O K-edges: experiment and theory 미리보기
Piancastelli, M. N IOP Pub 1980
11916 저널기사 Vibrationally resolved core-photoelectron spectroscopy as an infinite-slit interferometry (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Gel'mukhanov, Faris 2001
11917 저널기사 Vibrationally Resolved Electron Attachment to Oxygen Clusters 미리보기
Matejcik, S American Physical Society 1980
11918 저널기사 Vibrationally Resolved O 1s Photoelectron Spectrum of CO~2: Vibronic Coupling and Dynamic Core-Hole Localization 미리보기
Kivimaeki, A American Physical Society 1980
11919 저널기사 Vibrationally resolved O 1s photoelectron spectrum of water 미리보기
Sankari, R North Holland 2003
11920 저널기사 Vibrationally resolved photoelectron angular distributions and branchingratios for the carbon dioxide molecule in the wavelength region 685-795 � 미리보기
West, J. B American Institute of Physics 1980
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