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101 저널기사 A variational approach to parametric instabilities in inhomogeneous plasmas IV: The mixed polarization high-frequency instability 미리보기
Afeyan, B. B American Institute of Physics 1980
102 저널기사 A Variational Approach to the Explicit Formula/ 미리보기
Bombieri, E Interscience Publishers 2003
103 저널기사 A Variational Approach to the Schr�dinger-Poisson System: Asymptotic Behaviour, Breathers, and Stability/ 미리보기
Soler, Juan Arriola, Enrique Ru� Plenum Press 2001
104 저널기사 A variational derivation of risk-adjusted performance measures 미리보기
Xiang, G.; Liu, J.; Wang, Q. Incisive Media 2012
105 저널기사 A variational determination of spin-rovibronic energy levels of MgNC in the A2P state/ 미리보기
Taketsugu, Tetsuya North Holland 2001
106 저널기사 A Variational Form of the Winslow Grid Generator 미리보기
Charakhch'yan, A. A Academic Press 1980
107 저널기사 A Variational Inequality-Based Location-Allocation Algorithm for Locating Multiple Interactive Facilities 미리보기
Operational Research Society of Singapore 2023
108 저널기사 A variational inequality for total variation functional with constraint/ 미리보기
Kenmochi, Nobuyuki Pergamon Press 2001
109 저널기사 A Variational Inequality Reformulation of a Congested Transit Assignment Model by Cominetti, Correa, Cepeda, and Florian 미리보기
Codina, E. Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS. 2013
110 저널기사 A Variational Level Set Approach to Multiphase Motion 미리보기
Zhao, H.-K Academic Press 1980
111 저널기사 A Variational Method of Robust Fixture Configuration Design for 3-D Workpieces 미리보기
Cai, W American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
112 저널기사 A Variational Theory of the Hessian Equation/ 미리보기
Chou, K-S 2001
113 저널기사 A variation in the apolipoprotein C-III gene is associated with an increased number of circulating VLDL and IDL particles in familial combined hyperlipidemia 미리보기
Ribalta, J Lipid Research, inc.] 1980
114 저널기사 A variation of two-stage SBM with leader-follower structure: an application to Chinese commercial banks 미리보기
Zhu, Yuanchang; Li, Yongjun; Liang, Liang Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2018
115 저널기사 A varied niche: The trade between the US East Coast and the Bahamas accounts for an estimated 35,000TEU/year, and is dwarfed by the much higher transhipment volumes to 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2007
116 저널기사 A variety-expansion model of growth with external habit formation 미리보기
Doi, J.; Mino, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
117 저널기사 A variety-increasing view of the development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan 미리보기
Chen, J. H.; Jan, T. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
118 저널기사 A Variety of Explanations for Variety-Seeking Behaviors: Physiological Needs, Memory Processes, and Primed Rules 미리보기
Ratner, R. K. Association for Consumer Research 2006
119 저널기사 A Variety of Explanations for Variety-Seeking Behaviors: Physiological Needs, Memory Processes, and Primed Rules 미리보기
Ratner, R. K. Association for Consumer Research 2006
120 저널기사 A variety of lipid-coated glycoside hydrolases as effective glycosyl transfer catalysts in homogeneous organic solvents 미리보기
Mori, T Pergamon Press 1980
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