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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11981 저널기사 Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigation of Polyacrylonitrile-Based Electrolytes with a Dimethylformamide Plasticizer 미리보기
Wang, Z Electrochemical Society 1980
11982 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopic studies of asbestos and comparsion of suitability for remote analysis 미리보기
Lewis, I. R Pergamon Press 1980
11983 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy and 266 nm photochemistry of NCNCS and CNCN 미리보기
Li, P North Holland 2003
11984 연속간행물 Vibrational spectroscopy:an international journal devoted to applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Elsevier 1990-
11985 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of a Au(hkl)-electrolyte interface by in situ visible-infrared difference frequency generation 미리보기
Tadjeddine, A. Peremans, A. Le Rille, A. Zheng, W. Q. North Holland 1997
11986 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of arsenic-hydrogen complexes in ZnSe 미리보기
McCluskey, M. D American Institute of Physics 1980
11987 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of CH/NH stretches in pyrrole: An algebraic approach 미리보기
Lubich, L American Institute of Physics 1980
11988 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of interfaces by infrared-visible sum frequency generation/ 미리보기
Buck, M Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
11989 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of N-methyl-maleimide 미리보기
Parker, S. F Pergamon Press 1980
11990 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of small water complexes embedded in large liquid helium clusters 미리보기
Froechtenicht, R American Institute of Physics 1980
11991 저널기사 Vibrational spectroscopy of the electrochemical interface by visible infrared sum-frequency generation 미리보기
Tadjeddine, A North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
11992 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum and molecular structure of [Cu(NH3)5](ClO4)2 미리보기
Migdal-Mikuli, A North Holland 2003
11993 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum and molecular structure of triphenylamine monomer: A combined matrix-isolation FTIR and theoretical study/ 미리보기
Reva, I Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
11994 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum and structure of silicon trioxide SiO~3: A matrix isolation infrared and density functional theory study 미리보기
Tremblay, B American Institute of Physics 1980
11995 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum and temperature behavior of thermal conductivity and specific heat in amorphous dielectrics 미리보기
Salamatov, E. I North-Holland 1980
11996 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum of Hg~2ReO~5 미리보기
Baran, E. J Pergamon Press 1980
11997 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum of I^-(H~2O) 미리보기
Okumura, M. Wong, C.-K. Kuwata, K. T. Johnson, M. S. North Holland 1996
11998 저널기사 Vibrational spectrum of the formic acid dimer in the OH stretch region. A model 3D study/ 미리보기
Vener, Mikhail V North Holland 2001
11999 저널기사 Vibrational Stark Effects Calibrate the Sensitivity of Vibrational Probes for Electric Fields in Proteins/ 미리보기
Suydam, I. T American Chemical Society 2003
12000 저널기사 Vibrational state dependence of D~2 dissociation on Ag(111) 미리보기
Cottrell, C American Institute of Physics 1980
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