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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
12041 저널기사 Vibration and sound radiation of fluid-loaded stiffened plates with consideration of in-plane deformation 미리보기
Berry, A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12042 저널기사 Vibration and stability of angle-ply laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane stresses/ 미리보기
Matsunaga, Hiroyuki Pergamon Press 2001
12043 저널기사 Vibration and Stability of a Non-uniform Double-Beam Subjected to follower forces 미리보기
Takahashi, I Pergamon Press 1996
12044 저널기사 Vibration and Stability of a Spinning Disk Under Stationary Distributed Edge Loads 미리보기
Chen, J.-S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
12045 저널기사 Vibration and Stability of Simply Supported Elliptical Plates (TN) 미리보기
Sundaresan, M. K American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
12046 저널기사 Vibration and Stability of Two Tubes in Cross-Flow 미리보기
Zhu, S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
12047 저널기사 Vibration and variable structure control with integral compensation in anon-constant rotating disk system 미리보기
Fung, R.-F Academic Press 1980
12048 저널기사 Vibration and wave localization in a nearly periodic beaded string 미리보기
Ottarsson, G American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12049 저널기사 Vibration-assisted Dead-end Filtration: Experiments and Theoretical Concepts/ 미리보기
Gundogdu, O Institution of Chemical Engineers 2003
12050 저널기사 Vibration attenuation of a cylindrical shell with constrained layer damping strips treatment/ 미리보기
Chen, Lin-Hung Pergamon Press 2001
12051 저널기사 Vibration based preload estimation in machine tool spindles/ 미리보기
Spiewak, S A 2001
12052 저널기사 Vibration Behavior and Fatigue Strength of Mocked-Up Piping System 미리보기
Hayashi, M American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
12053 저널기사 Vibration behaviors of thermally postbuckled anisotropic plates using first-order shear deformable plate theory 미리보기
Lee, D.-M Pergamon Press 1997
12054 저널기사 Vibration characteristics of a suspension footbridge 미리보기
Brownjohn, J. M. W Academic Press 1980
12055 저널기사 Vibration Characteristics of Cantilevered Thick Cylindrical Shallow Shells 미리보기
Liew, K. M American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
12056 저널기사 Vibration characteristics of dilution refrigerator with cryogenic cycle of 3He 미리보기
Kirichek, O North-Holland 2003
12057 저널기사 Vibration Characteristics of Partially Covered Double-Sandwich Cantilever Beam 미리보기
Chen, Q American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
12058 저널기사 Vibration Characteristics of Simply Supported Thick Skew Plates in Three-Dimensional Setting 미리보기
Liew, K. M American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1995
12059 저널기사 Vibration Confinement in Trusses 미리보기
Hawwa, M. A American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
12060 저널기사 Vibration control for a flexible transmission shaft with an axially sliding support 미리보기
Turkstra, T. P Academic Press 1980
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