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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
12081 저널기사 Vibration modes of giant gravitons (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Das, Sumit R 2001
12082 저널기사 Vibration modes of giant gravitons in the background of dilatonic D-branes 미리보기
Kim, Jin Young 2001
Cherng, A-P American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 2000
12084 저널기사 Vibration modes of the violin forced via the bridge and action of the soundpost 미리보기
Saldner, H. O American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12085 저널기사 Vibration monitoring of slotted beams using an analytical model 미리보기
Man, X. C American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12086 저널기사 Vibration of a beam induced by harmonic motion of a heat source 미리보기
Kidawa-Kukla, J Academic Press 1980
12087 저널기사 Vibration of annular sector Mindlin plates with intermediate arc supports by the spline strip method 미리보기
Mizusawa, T Pergamon Press 1996
12088 저널기사 Vibration of antisymmetric laminated plates using eigensensitivity analysis 미리보기
Barton, O Pergamon Press 1997
12089 저널기사 Vibration of arbitrarily laminated plates of general trapezoidal planform 미리보기
Lim, C. W American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12090 저널기사 Vibration of a three-layered viscoelastic sandwich circular plate/ 미리보기
Yu, Shann-Chewn Pergamon Press 2001
12091 저널기사 Vibration of a Tube Bundle in Two-Phase Freon Cross-Flow 미리보기
Pettigrew, M. J American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
12092 저널기사 Vibration of circular and annular Mindlin plates with internal ring stiffeners 미리보기
Xiang, Y American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12093 저널기사 Vibration of circular Mindlin plates with concentric elastic ring supports/ 미리보기
Xiang, Y Pergamon Press 2003
12094 저널기사 Vibration of Elastic Continuum Carrying Accelerating Oscillator 미리보기
Pesterev, A. V American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
12095 저널기사 Vibration of initially stressed Reddy plates on a Winkler Pasternak foundation 미리보기
Wang, C. M Academic Press 1980
12096 저널기사 Vibration of Laminated Plates Having Elastic Edge Flexibilities 미리보기
Liew, K. M American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
12097 저널기사 Vibration of moderately thick cylindrical shallow shells 미리보기
Lim, C. W American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12098 저널기사 Vibration of multi-span Timoshenko beams to a moving force 미리보기
Wang, R.-T Academic Press 1980
12099 저널기사 Vibration of rectangular Mindlin plates resting on non-homogenous elastic foundations/ 미리보기
Xiang, Y Pergamon Press 2003
12100 저널기사 Vibration of rectangular plates by reduction of the plate partial differential equation into simultaneous ordinary differential equations 미리보기
Rajalingham, C Academic Press 1980
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