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12121 저널기사 Vibrations des Mole>cules Forme>es de Deux Blocs Rigides Simplement Lie>s 미리보기
BAUDOUR, J Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1971
12122 저널기사 Vibrations of a beam of non-uniform cross-section traversed by a time varying concentrated force 미리보기
Gutierrez, R. H Academic Press 1980
12123 저널기사 Vibrations of a crank-shaft in a sewing machine induced by a zigzag mechanism 미리보기
Zajaczkowski, J. MCB University Press 1999
12124 저널기사 Vibrations of a crank-shaft in a sewing machine induced by a zigzag mechanism 미리보기
Zajaczkowski, J MCB University Press 1999
12125 저널기사 Vibrations of a Framed Cylindrical Shell Submerged in and Filled with Acoustic Fluids: Spectral Solution 미리보기
Cole, J. E Pergamon Press 1997
12126 저널기사 Vibrations of an orthotropic rectangular plate with a free edge in the case of discontinuously varying thickness 미리보기
Laura, P. A. A Academic Press 1980
12127 저널기사 Vibrations of a Taut Cable With an External Damper/ 미리보기
Krenk, S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
12128 저널기사 Vibrations of Ballooning Elastic Strings 미리보기
Zhu, F American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1997
12129 저널기사 Vibrations of bromofullerene C60Br24: C60 cage confined into static bromine sphere/ 미리보기
Popov, A. A North Holland 2004
12130 저널기사 Vibrations of Clamped Rectangular Plates on Elastic Foundations Subjected to Uniform Compressive Forces 미리보기
Tameroglu, S. S American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
12131 저널기사 Vibrations of composite, doubly connected square membranes 미리보기
Bambill, D. V Academic Press 1980
12132 저널기사 Vibrations of CO on strained Cu(100) surfaces. A cluster model analysis 미리보기
Casanovas, J. Pacchioni, G. North Holland 1996
12133 저널기사 Vibrations of Elastically Restrained Nonuniform Beams with Arbitrary Pretwist 미리보기
Lin, S. M American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1997
12134 저널기사 Vibrations of elastic membranes with moving boundaries/ 미리보기
Ferrel, Juan Limaco 2001
12135 저널기사 Vibrations of moderately thick rectangular plates in terms of a set of static Timoshenko beam functions/ 미리보기
Cheung, Y K Pergamon Press 2000
12136 저널기사 Vibrations of rectangular membranes and plates with rectangular holes with fixed boundaries 미리보기
Laura, P. A. A Academic Press 1980
12137 저널기사 Vibrations of Simple Fracta-Based Models 미리보기
Kimball, J. C. Frisch, H. L. Plenum Press 1997
12138 저널기사 Vibrations of submerged structures in a heavy acoustic medium using radiation modes 미리보기
Chen, P.-T Academic Press 1980
12139 저널기사 Vibrations of Tapered Timoshenko Beams in Terms of Static Timoshenko Beam Functions/ 미리보기
Zhou, D American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
12140 저널기사 Vibration spectra of water molecules in the paraelectric phase of K4(Fe(CN)6).3H2O/ 미리보기
Gaffar, M A North-Holland 2001
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