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12161 저널기사 Vibrio vulnificus cytolysin induces superoxide anion-initiated apoptotic signaling pathway in human ECV304 cells 미리보기
Kwon, K.-B.; Yang, J.-Y.; Ryu, D.-G.; Rho, H.-W.; Kim, J.-S.; Park, J.-W.; Kim, H.-R.; Park, B.-H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
12162 저널기사 Vibrio Vulnificus Infections of the Lower Limb After Fish Spine Injuries/ 미리보기
Calif, E J.B.Lippincott 2003
12163 저널기사 Vibrofluidized- and fixed-bed photocatalytic reactors: case of gaseous acetone photooxidation/ 미리보기
Vorontsov, Alexander V Pergamon Press 2000
12164 저널기사 Vibronic activity in trans,trans-1,3,5,7 octatetraene: The S~0->S~1 spectrum 미리보기
Jan Buma, W American Institute of Physics 1980
12165 저널기사 Vibronically selective intersystem crossing in van der Waals complexes of 9-cyanoanthracene with xenon/ 미리보기
Shoute, Lian C T North Holland 2001
12166 저널기사 Vibronic analyses of the mass-resolved NeXe spectra near Xe^*(6p) 미리보기
Mao, D. M American Institute of Physics 1980
12167 저널기사 Vibronic analysis of fluorescence spectrum of NO~2 D ^2B~2(0,0,0) in theregion of 250-550 nm 미리보기
Aoki, K American Institute of Physics 1980
12168 저널기사 Vibronic analysis of the B^2A'-,X^2A" laser-induced fluorescence of jet-cooled C~2H~5S 미리보기
Hung, W.-C American Institute of Physics 1980
12169 저널기사 Vibronic analysis of the ion-pair (E0^+)<-ground state (X0^+) transitionof BrCl 미리보기
Wang, P American Institute of Physics 1980
12170 저널기사 Vibronic band shapes for indole from scaled bond order changes 미리보기
Callis, P. R. Vivian, J. T. North Holland 1994
12171 저널기사 Vibronic contributions to resonant NLO responses: two-photon absorption in push-pull chromophores/ 미리보기
Painelli, Anna North Holland 2001
12172 저널기사 Vibronic coupling and selectivity of vibrational excitation in the negative ion resonances of ozone 미리보기
Allan, M. Popovic, D. B. North Holland 1997
12173 저널기사 Vibronic coupling in the K shell excitation of ethyne 미리보기
Feldhaus, J. Kempgens, B. Itchkawitz, B. S. Bradshaw, A. M. North Holland 1997
12174 저널기사 Vibronic coupling in the photoemission bands of condensed C~6~0 미리보기
Bruehwiler, P. A. Andersson, S. Maxwell, A. J. Baltzer, P. North Holland 1997
12175 저널기사 Vibronic coupling mechanism in the 2 ^A~2-B ^2B~2 excited states of benzyl radical 미리보기
Eiden, G. C American Institute of Physics 1980
12176 저널기사 Vibronic dynamic problem of valence tautomerism in cobalt compounds. Magnetic and optical properties/ 미리보기
Klokishner, S. I Pergamon Press 2003
12177 저널기사 Vibronic effects in the photon energy-dependent photoelectron spectra ofthe CH~3CN^- dipole-bound anion 미리보기
Bailey, C. G American Institute of Physics 1980
12178 저널기사 Vibronic excitations of large molecules in solution studied by two-colorpump-probe experiments on the 20 fs time scale 미리보기
Ashworth, S. H American Institute of Physics 1980
12179 저널기사 Vibronic interactions in NO~3: from the ^2E' origin region to the NO + O~2 reactive channel 미리보기
Riehn, C. Mikhaylichenko, K. Wittig, C. Valachovic, L. North Holland 1996
12180 저널기사 Vibronic shifts for LiH in X and A states 미리보기
Gadea, F. X IOP Pub 1980
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