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1201 저널기사 The Variation in Wage Rigidity by Occupation and Union Status in the US 미리보기
Campbell, C. M. BLACKWELL 1997
1202 저널기사 The variation of abundances in planetary nebulae with height above the Galactic plane 미리보기
Koeppen, J Springer-Verlag 1997
1203 저널기사 The variation of compressive strength of AGR moderator graphite with increasing thermal weight loss/ 미리보기
Neighbour, G B North-Holland 2001
1204 저널기사 The variation of dTDP-l-rhamnose pathway genes in Vibrio cholerae/ 미리보기
Li, Q Society for General Microbiology 2003
1205 저널기사 The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums 미리보기
Wayne E. Ferson ; Campbell R. Harvey University of Chicago Press
1206 저널기사 The variation of giant magneto-impedance ratio in amorphous Co66Fe4NiB14Si15 ribbon annealed by pulsed Nd:YAG laser/ 미리보기
Ahn, Seung Joon North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
1207 저널기사 The Variation of Homeowner Tax Preferences by Income, Age and Leverage 미리보기
Ling, D. C.; McGill, G. A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
1208 저널기사 The variation of iodate and total iodine in some UK rainwaters during 1980-1981 미리보기
Truesdale, V. W Elsevier, etc 1980
1209 저널기사 The variation of microstructure in Czochralski silicon induced by low-high two step anneal 미리보기
Kung, C. Y American Institute of Physics 1980
1210 저널기사 The Variation of Viscosity With Temperature and Pressure for Various Real Lubricants/ 미리보기
Bair, Scott 2001
1211 저널기사 The variation on the mutagenicity of cnp during anaerobic biodegradation/ 미리보기
Matsushita, Taku 2001
1212 저널기사 The Variation with Wavelength of the Atomic Scattering Factor for Iron 미리보기
MILLER, G.G.S Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1970
1213 저널기사 The varied and conditional integration of NGOs in the aid system: NGOs and the World Bank 미리보기
Nelson, P. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2006
1214 저널기사 The Variegated Economics and the Potential Politics of the Smart City 미리보기
Rossi, Ugo Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2016
1215 저널기사 The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm: Explaining Germany's Comparative Advantage? - By Matthew M. C. Allen 미리보기
Towers, B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
1216 저널기사 The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm - Explaining Germany's Comparative Advantage? - By Matthew M. C. Allen 미리보기
Jackson, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
1217 저널기사 The Varieties of Comparative Institutional Analysis 미리보기
Cole, D.H. University of Wisconsin Law School 2013
Ahnert, Thomas Cambridge University Press 2001
1219 저널기사 The Varieties of Nationalism in Africa 미리보기
Dorman, Sara Rich Events Pub. Co 2015
1220 저널기사 The Varieties of Resource Experience: Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of Economic Growth 미리보기
Isham, J.; Woolcock, M.; Pritchett, L.; Busby, G. Oxford University Press 2005
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