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12181 저널기사 Vibronic spectra in condensed matter: A comparison of exact quantum mechanical and various semiclassical treatments for harmonic baths 미리보기
Egorov, S. A American Institute of Physics 1980
12182 저널기사 Vibronic spectrum and structure of the trans-bent acetylene radical anion 미리보기
Kusumori, T American Institute of Physics 1980
12183 저널기사 Vibronic structure in the low-lying singlet-triplet transitions of benzene and toluene 미리보기
Swiderek, P American Institute of Physics 1980
12184 저널기사 Vibronic structure of the cyclopentadienyl radical and its nonrigid van der Waals cluster with nitrogen 미리보기
Sun, S American Institute of Physics 1980
12185 저널기사 Vibronic superexchange in single-crystal LaMn1-xGaxO3 (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Zhou, J-S Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
12186 저널기사 Vibronic transitions in Ni^+~2 미리보기
Buthelezi, T. Bellert, D. Lewis, V. Dezfulian, K. North Holland 1996
12187 저널기사 Vibrosis & Trichomoniasis 미리보기
The Dairyman 1985
12188 저널기사 Vibrotactile forward masking: Effects of the amplitude and duration of the masking stimulus 미리보기
Gescheider, G. A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12189 저널기사 Vibrotactile threshold in young and old observers: The effects of spatial summation and the presence of a rigid surround 미리보기
Goble, A. K American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
12190 저널기사 Viburnols: novel triterpenoids with a rearranged dammarane skeleton fromviburnum dilatatum 미리보기
Machida, K Pergamon Press 1980
12191 저널기사 Viburnols: six novel triterpenoids from Viburnum dilatatum 미리보기
Machida, K Pergamon Press 1980
12192 저널기사 VICA '98 - Achieve New Heights / 미리보기
Moore, Pam Prakken Publications 1999
12193 저널기사 VICARELLI (FAUSTO). Keynes : The Instability of Capitalism 미리보기
J. A. Kregel;; unknown 1985
12194 저널기사 Vicarelli, Keynes, and the unstable nexus between investment, liquidity, and finance 미리보기
Paesani, Paolo M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2018
12195 저널기사 Vicarelli's Keynes and the New-Keynesian analytical method 미리보기
Tancioni, Massimiliano M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2018
12196 저널기사 Vicarelli's Keynes (and today's international disorder) 미리보기
Cedrini, Mario Aldo M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2018
12197 저널기사 Vicarious and persuasive influences on efficacy expectations and intentions to perform breast self-examination 미리보기
Anderson, R. B. JAI PRESS INC 1999
12198 저널기사 Vicarious dishonesty: When psychological closeness creates distance from one's moral compass 미리보기
Gino, F.; Galinsky, A. D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
12199 저널기사 Vicarious Homicide Victimization and Support for Capital Punishment: A Test of Black's Theory of Law 미리보기
12200 저널기사 Vicarious Learning and Inferential Accuracy in Adoption Processes 미리보기
Terlaak, A.; Gong, Y. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 2008
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