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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
12301 저널기사 Victimization of Children and Modern Armed Conflicts with a Special Emphasis on the Situation in Macedonia 미리보기
Bachanović Brill Academic Publishers
12302 저널기사 Victimization of Juveniles in Out-of-Home Placement: Juvenile Correctional Facilities 미리보기
Davidson-Arad, B.; Golan, M. British Association of Social Workers 2007
12303 저널기사 Victimization Prevention Programs for Children: A Follow-Up 미리보기
Finkelhor, D American Public Health Association 1980
12304 저널기사 Victimization revisited 미리보기
Bowers, Kate J Stevens 1998
12305 저널기사 Victimization, stress and use of force among South Korean police officers 미리보기
Cheong, J.; Yun, I. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
12306 저널기사 Victimized by cyberphobia? 미리보기
Bottoms, David Penton/IPC 1995
12307 저널기사 Victim/Offender Mediation and Victim Compensation in Austria and Germany - Stocktaking and Perspectives for Future Research2 미리보기
Marianne Löschnig-Gspandl ; Michael Kilchling Brill Academic Publishers
12308 저널기사 Victim/Offender Mediation and Victim Compensation in Austria and Germany - Stocktaking and Perspectives for Future Research2 미리보기
Marianne Löschnig-Gspandl ; Michael Kilchling Brill Academic Publishers
12309 단행본 Victimology 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab LexisNexis 2005
12310 저널기사 Victim or injurer, small car or SUV: Tort liability rules under role-type uncertainty 미리보기
Kim, J.; Feldman, A. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
12311 저널기사 Victim or Victimizer: Firm Responses to Government Corruption 미리보기
Galang, R. M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
12312 저널기사 Victim Participation and Sentencing in England and Italy: A Legal and Policy Analysis 미리보기
Grazia Mannozzi ; Ralph Henham Brill Academic Publishers
12313 저널기사 Victim Participation and Sentencing in England and Italy: A Legal and Policy Analysis 미리보기
Grazia Mannozzi ; Ralph Henham Brill Academic Publishers
Beat Dold ; Lisa Yarwood Brill Academic Publishers
12315 저널기사 Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum: A Historical ; Normative Perspective 미리보기
Fin-Jasper Langmack C. H. Bech 2020
12316 저널기사 Victims and the sentencing process: developing participatory rights? 미리보기
Doak, J.; Henham, R.; Mitchell, B. BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD. 2009
12317 저널기사 Victims arrested for domestic violence: unintended consequences of arrest policies 미리보기
Hovmand, P. S.; Ford, D. N.; Flom, I.; Kyriakakis, S. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
12318 저널기사 Victims, Crime and Society. Edited by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis and Chris Greer (London: Sage, 2007, 292pp. 19.99) 미리보기
Hall, M. Oxford University Press 2009
12319 저널기사 Victims, hooligans and cash-cows: media representations of the international backpacker in Australia 미리보기
Peel, V.; Steen, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
12320 저널기사 Victims' Justice, Victors' Justice: Iraq's Flawed Tribunal 미리보기
Dougherty, B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
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