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12321 저널기사 Victims, Knowledge(s) and Prisons: Victims Entering the Belgian Prison System 미리보기
Luc Robert ; Tom Daems Brill Academic Publishers
12322 저널기사 Victims, Knowledge(s) and Prisons: Victims Entering the Belgian Prison System 미리보기
Luc Robert ; Tom Daems Brill Academic Publishers
12323 저널기사 Victims of Crime and Community Justice,Brian Williams,London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005, pp. 152, ISBN 1 84310195, 16.95 미리보기
Angus, S. British Association of Social Workers 2006
12324 저널기사 Victims of Crime and Community Justice. By Brian Williams (London: Jessica Kingsley, 2005, 160pp. 16.95) 미리보기
Heflin, I. Oxford University Press 2006
12325 저널기사 Victims of Crime in Policy Making: Local Governance, Local Responsibility? 미리보기
HALL, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
12326 저널기사 Victims of Crime, Louis Harris. Garland Publishing, New York (1984), 61 pp. $20 미리보기
Ken Pease Elsevier
12327 저널기사 Victims of Crime: Policy and Practice in Criminal Justice. By Matthew Hall (Devon: Willan, 2009, 262pp. 38.00 hb) 미리보기
Walklate, S. Oxford University Press 2009
12328 저널기사 Victims of Genocide and National Memory: Belgium, France and The Netherlands 1945-1965 미리보기
Lagrou, P. Oxford University Press for the Past and Present Society, [etc.] 1997
12329 저널기사 Victims of Nazism Closed accounts, open questions 미리보기
12330 저널기사 Victims of Power and Tradition in a Market Economy 미리보기
Holm, O. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
12331 저널기사 Victims of the Brexit fallout 미리보기
Pauline Bock Royal Institute of International Affairs 2018
12332 저널기사 Victim's Protection in International Law: The Normative Basis and a Look into the Practice 미리보기
von Oppeln Brill Academic Publishers
12333 저널기사 Victim's Protection in International Law: The Normative Basis and a Look into the Practice 미리보기
von Oppeln Brill Academic Publishers
12334 저널기사 Victim's Protection in International Law: The Normative Basis and a Look into the Practice 미리보기
von Oppeln Brill Academic Publishers
12335 저널기사 Victim's Protection in International Law: The Normative Basis and a Look into the Practice 미리보기
von Oppeln Brill Academic Publishers
12336 단행본 Victims' rights:a documentary and reference guide 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Douglas E. Beloof Greenwood 2012
12337 저널기사 Victims Rights, Human Rights and Criminal Justice. By Jonathan Doak (Oxford: Hart Publications, 2008, 325pp. 30.00 pb) 미리보기
OMahony, D. Oxford University Press 2009
12338 단행본 Victims' rights, human rights and criminal justice:reconceiving the role of third parties 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Jonathan Doak Hart 2008 URL
12339 저널기사 Victim's Scalp on Killer's Head: An Unusual Case of Criminal Postmortem Mutilation/ 미리보기
Kunz, Jerzy Raven Press [etc.] 2001
12340 저널기사 Victims: The faces of the missing/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2001
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