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12501 저널기사 VIDEO - Robert Silberman reviews Ramona Solberg: Jeweler, Teacher, Traveler/ 미리보기
American Craft Council 2000
12502 저널기사 Videos on Tourism and the Environment 미리보기
Harrison, D. PERGAMON 1999
12503 연속간행물 The video source book 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
National Video Clearinghouse National Video Clearinghouse 1979-
12504 저널기사 Video Staging: A Proxy-Server-Based Approach to End-to-End Video Delivery over Wide-Area Networks/ 미리보기
Zhang, Z L Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 2000
12505 저널기사 Video study of physician selection: Preferences in the face of diversity/ 미리보기
Gerbert, B Appleton and Lang Pub 2003
12506 저널기사 Video summarisation based on collaborative temporal tags 미리보기
Chung, M. G.; Wang, T. G.; Sheu, P. C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
12507 저널기사 VIDEOS Virginia Harvey: A Legacy in Fiber Arts; Evert Sodergren: Master Woodworker/ 미리보기
Silberman, R American Craft Council 2003
12508 저널기사 Video System Aids Demonstration / 미리보기
Wieking 1982
12509 저널기사 Videosystem mit Infrarot-�bertragung bei der S-Bahn Hamburg/ 미리보기
P. Schmidt 2001
12510 저널기사 Videotape-Based Decision Aid for Colon Cancer Screening. A Randomized, Controlled Trial/ 미리보기
Pignone American College of Physicians] 2001
12511 저널기사 Videotaped Confessions: Panacea or Pandora's Box? 미리보기
LASSITER, G. D.; RATCLIFF, J. J.; WARE, L. J.; IRVIN, C. R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
12512 저널기사 Videotaped Dialogues in Economics 미리보기
Fullenbaum Richard F ; Carlson Ernest W ; Bell Frederick W ; Smith Vernon L. American Economic Assonication
12513 저널기사 Videotaped Evidence of Children: Application and Implications of the Memorandum of Good Practice 미리보기
Welbourne, P. British Association of Social Workers 2002
12514 저널기사 Videotape review leads to rapid and sustained learning/ 미리보기
Scherer, L. A Louis F. LeJacq 2003
12515 저널기사 Videotaping for Career Awareness / 미리보기
Fitzgerald 1981
12516 저널기사 Video Teleconferencing : 미리보기
Major, Howard 1992
12517 저널기사 Videotelefonie im Homeoffice 미리보기
Benjamin Heider C.H. Beck 2021
12518 저널기사 Video Training and Testing Supports Customer Service Goals 미리보기
Wilson, W. Published for the Personnel Research Federation by the Williams & Wilkins Co. 1994
12519 저널기사 VIDEO TRANSCODING PROXY FOR 3GWIRELESS MOBILE INTERNET ACCESS - The authors identify issues involved in viewing a video stream in a mobile computing environment; to handle these issues, we propose a video transcoding system and its control method. These mechanisms provide stable transmission of video data and comfortable video viewing on user clients by estimating the communication conditions, client device capabilities, and user preferences./ 미리보기
Warabino, Takayuki Communications Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] 2000
12520 저널기사 Videoüberwachung am Arbeitsplatz nach dem neuen Datenschutzrecht 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2017
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