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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
12801 저널기사 [VIEWPjpnINT] EY 「Future Cjpnnsumer Index」にみる消費者心理 消費者行動の変化を捉え、デジタル主導による新たな顧客体験創出へ 미리보기
平元 達也;安藤 宏晃 綜合ユニコム 2020
12802 저널기사 Viewpoint 미리보기
Lilien, Gary L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited
12803 저널기사 Viewpoint 미리보기
Ryan Barker ; Jeffrey Peacock ; Marc Fetscherin NTC Publications Ltd 2015
12804 저널기사 VIEW POINT 미리보기
Intertec Pub., etc.] 2015
12805 저널기사 Viewpoint /// 미리보기
Miller Freeman Publications 2000
12806 저널기사 Viewpoint 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
12807 저널기사 Viewpoint /// 미리보기
Miller Freeman Publications 2000
12808 저널기사 Viewpoint /// 미리보기
Miller Freeman Publications 2000
12809 저널기사 Viewpoint 미리보기
Miller Pub. Co.] 1990
12810 저널기사 Viewpoint 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1984
12811 저널기사 VIEWPOINT : 미리보기
Hanneman, W.Wm 2001
12812 저널기사 Viewpoint: A case for U.S.-trained troops in West Africa/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2001
12813 저널기사 Viewpoint - A content analysis of connectedness vs. separateness themes used in US and PRC print advertisements/ 미리보기
Wang, Cheng Lu Corporate Press 2001
12814 저널기사 Viewpoint: Africans risk all to reach Europe/ 미리보기
12815 저널기사 VIEWPOINT - A Lifelong journey and Passion: Maintaining Clinical Competence in Plastic Surgery/ 미리보기
Rohrich, Rod J Williams & Wilkins 2001
12816 저널기사 Viewpoint Antecedents of international new product rollout timeliness 미리보기
Wong, V. Corporate Press 2002
12817 저널기사 VIEWPOINT: A Question of Etiquette - What is the proper way for the world's last superpower to behave in the age of globalization?/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2001
12818 저널기사 Viewpoint: Are grazing rights on public lands a form of private property? 미리보기
Raymond, L Society for Range Management, etc.] 1997
12819 저널기사 Viewpoint: A salutory shock, and three choices to weigh/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
12820 저널기사 Viewpoint: A theoretical basis for planning woody plant control to maintain species diversity 미리보기
Fulbright, T. E Society for Range Management, etc.] 1996
맨앞 이전 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 다음 맨뒤
