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13241 저널기사 Village Labor Markets in Sheikan District, Sudan 미리보기
Kevane, M. PERGAMON PRESS 1994
13242 저널기사 Village Leaders and Land-Rights Formation in China 미리보기
13243 저널기사 Village Leaders, Dual Brokerage and Political Order in Rural China 미리보기
Xi Chen, Jingping Liu Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, etc.] 2021
13244 저널기사 Village resettlement and social relations in transition: the case of Suzhou, China 미리보기
Wu, Weiping ; Zhang, Min ; Qing, Yuxin ; Li, Yan Liverpool University Press 2019
13245 저널기사 Villages where China's ethnic minorities live 미리보기
GUSTAFSSON, B.; SAI, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
13246 저널기사 Village water supply (Book Review). 미리보기
Kneese Allen V American Economic Assonication
13247 저널기사 Village-wide Effects of Agricultural Biotechnology: The Case of Bt Cotton in India 미리보기
Subramanian, A.; Qaim, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
13248 저널기사 Villa Ryusei : 英虞湾を望む丘の斜面に建つ9室のみの隠れ家的リゾートホテル 미리보기
柴田書店[販賣元] : (株)フ-ド.ビジネス 2021
13249 저널기사 Villchur revisited: Another look at automatic gain control simulation ofrecruiting hearing loss 미리보기
Duchnowski, P American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
13250 저널기사 Ville et securite/ 미리보기
Tronchon,P Revue Administrative 1990
13251 저널기사 Villeroy & Boch AG — Konzernabschluss zum 31.12.2018 미리보기
Christoph Schlienkamp Trede & Co. 2019
13252 저널기사 Villeroy & Boch AG — Konzernabschluss zum 31.12.2020 미리보기
Christoph Schlienkamp Trede & Co. 2021
13253 저널기사 Villgro Innovation Marketing Pvt. Ltd.: Building Last Mile Delivery Model Using Entrepreneurs. 미리보기
Bhamoriya, Vaibhav John Wiley & Sons (Asia) 2018
13254 저널기사 Villoglandular Papillary Adenocarcinoma of The Cervix: Case Report/ 미리보기
Lakhtakia, Ritu A. R. Liss, inc., etc 2000
13255 저널기사 Villous Adenoma of Urachus: Case With Prostate Specific Antigen Immunoreactivity 미리보기
Tzortzis, V American Urological Association Inc 2003
13256 저널기사 Vilnius Contested city 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
13257 저널기사 Vil sjekke selskapenes måloppnåelse 미리보기
Aspøy, Arild Universitetsforlaget 2014
13258 저널기사 Vimentin and Leukocyte Common Antigen-Negative Molding Cells in Pleural Effusions of Patients with Small Cell Lung Carcinoma/ 미리보기
Cao, Q. J Williams and Wilkins Co 2003
13259 저널기사 Vimentin exposed on activated platelets and platelet microparticles localizes vitronectin and plasminogen activator inhibitor complexes on their surface 미리보기
Podor, T. J.; Singh, D.; Chindemi, P.; Foulon, D. M.; McKelvie, R.; Weitz, J. I.; Austin, R.; Boudreau, G.; Davies, R. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
13260 저널기사 VI Migration in Europa - Grenzabbau und Neukonstruktion im europ�ischen Migrationsraum/ 미리보기
Tomei, Ver�ica Westdeutscher Verlag 2001
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