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13541 저널기사 Violent Land: Single Men and Social Disorder from the Frontier to the Inner City by David T. Courtwright 미리보기
Cohen, D University of Chicago Press 1980
13542 저널기사 Violent Night: Urban Leisure and Contemporary Culture 미리보기
Walklate, S. Oxford University Press 2007
13543 저널기사 Violent Offender Research and Implications for the Criminal Justice System 미리보기
Rice, M. E American Psychological Association 1980
13544 저널기사 Violent Political Contexts and the Emotional Concerns of Township Youth 미리보기
Straker, G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development [etc. 1980
13545 저널기사 Violent Relaxation of Indistinguishable Objects and Neutrino Hot Dark Matter in Clusters of Galaxies 미리보기
Kull, A Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
13546 저널기사 Violent Resistance: Militia Formation and Civil War in Mozambique. By Corinna Jentzsch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 300p. $99.99 cloth. 미리보기
Ches Thurber Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2023
13547 저널기사 Violent Star Formation in NGC 2363 미리보기
Gonzalez-Delgado, R. M Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
13548 저널기사 Violent Storms and Violent People: How Meteorology Can Inform Risk Communication in Mental Health Law 미리보기
Monahan, J American Psychological Association 1980
13549 저널기사 Violent Victimization During Reentry: Prevalence, Triggers, and Impact on Mental Health 미리보기
Lin Liu ; Thomas J. Mowen ; Christy A. Visher ; Dayu Sun Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2023
13550 저널기사 Violeta Demaj, Kosovola ― Recht auf Unabhängigkeit? Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Wien/Graz, 2003, ISBN 3-7083-0117-X, 298 pp., EUR 28.80 미리보기
Christina Binder Brill Academic Publishers
13551 저널기사 Violet Bioluminescence and Fast Kinetics from W92F Obelin: Structure-Based Proposals for the Bioluminescence Triggering and the Identification of the Emitting Species/ 미리보기
Vysotski, E. S American Chemical Society 2003
13552 저널기사 Violet/blue emission from epitaxial cerium oxide films on silicon substrates 미리보기
Morshed, A. H American Institute of Physics 1980
13553 단행본 Violin fraud:deception, forgery, theft, and the law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Brian W. Harvey Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press 1992
13554 저널기사 Violin-making Magic mushrooms 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
13555 저널기사 Violin Q&A / 미리보기
Darnton, Michael The Guild 1992
13556 저널기사 Violin Q&A / 미리보기
Darnton, Michael The Guild 1992
13557 저널기사 Violin Q&A / 미리보기
Darnton, Michael The Guild 1990
13558 저널기사 Violin Q&A / 미리보기
Darnton, Michael The Guild 1992
13559 저널기사 Violin Q&A / 미리보기
Darnton, Michael The Guild 1990
13560 저널기사 Violin Q&A / 미리보기
Darnton, Michael The Guild 1992
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