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1341 저널기사 The Vertical File: An Overview and Guide 미리보기
1342 저널기사 The vertical flux of biogenic and lithogenic material in the Ross Sea: moored sediment trap observations 1996-1998/ 미리보기
Collier, Robert Pergamon Press 2000
1343 저널기사 The Vertical Ground Reaction Force and the Pressure Distribution on the Claws of Dairy Cows While Walking on a Flat Substrate/ 미리보기
van der Tol, P. P. J American Dairy Science Association 2003
1344 저널기사 The Vertical Integration of Production: Market Failure Considerations 미리보기
Nadel Ernest American Economic Assonication
1345 저널기사 The vertical keiretsu advantage in the era of Westernization in the Japanese automobile industry: investigation from transaction cost economics and a resource-based view 미리보기
Genjiro Kosaka ; Koichi Nakagawa ; Mizuki Kobayashi PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD 2016
1346 저널기사 The Vertical Mammaplasty: A Reappraisal of the Technique and Its Complications/ 미리보기
Berthe, J.-V Williams & Wilkins 2003
1347 저널기사 The Vertical Multinational Enterprise and International Trade 미리보기
Konan, D. E. Blackwell; 1999 2000
1348 저널기사 The Vertical Organization of Industry: Systems Competition versus Component Competition 미리보기
Farrell, J. MIT PRESS 1998
1349 저널기사 The Vertical Partition of Oceanic Horizontal Kinetic Energy 미리보기
Wunsch, C American Meteorological Society 1980
1350 저널기사 The Vertical Structure and Ultraviolet Spectrum of X-ray Irradiated Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei 미리보기
Sincell, M. W Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
1351 저널기사 The vertical structure of collective identities and its predictive value for (in)tolerance of religious groups. 미리보기
Paffrath, Julian ; Grabow, Hilmar Lawrence Erlbaum Associates : Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association. 2022
1352 저널기사 The Vertical Structure of Concentration Fluctuation Statistics in PlumesDispersing in the Atmospheric Surface Layer 미리보기
Yee, E D. Reidel Pub. Co 1980
1353 저널기사 The vertical structure of the galactic gaseous disk and its relation to the dynamo problem 미리보기
Froehlich, H.-E Springer-Verlag 1996
1354 저널기사 The Vertical Structure of Turbulent Dissipation in Shelf Seas 미리보기
Simpson, J. H American Meteorological Society 1980
1355 저널기사 The Vertigo of Late Modernity by J. Young 미리보기
O'BRIEN, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
1356 저널기사 The Very First Light: The True Inside Story of the Scientific Journey Back to the Dawn of the Universe, J C Mather and J Boslough 미리보기
Silk, J Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
1357 저널기사 The very idea of classification in international accounting 미리보기
Roberts, A. PERGAMON 1995
1358 저널기사 the very idea of classification in international accounting 미리보기
Roberts, A. Pergamon Press 1995
1359 저널기사 The Very Long Game 미리보기
Taylor, Chris Time, inc., etc.] 2017
1360 저널기사 The Very Long-Term Volume Recovery of Polycarbonate: Is Self-RetardationFinite? 미리보기
Wimberger-Friedl, R American Chemical Society 1996
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