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13581 저널기사 Viral diseases Good vibrations 미리보기
13582 저널기사 Viral Disinfection of Porous Fomites Utilizing a Bacteriophage Model and Chlorine Dioxide Gas 미리보기
Benedict KL; Brady HW; Newsome AL Mary Ann Liebert 2023
13583 저널기사 Viral Dynamics and Response Differences in HCV-Infected African American and White Patients Treated With IFN and Ribavirin/ 미리보기
Layden-Almer, J. E Williams & Wilkins 2003
13584 저널기사 Viral dynamics in hepatitis B virus infection 미리보기
Nowak, M. A National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
13585 저널기사 Viral dynamics in vivo: Limitations on estimates of intracellular delay and virus decay 미리보기
Herz, A. V. M National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
13586 저널기사 Viral enzyme 미리보기
Long Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
13587 저널기사 Viraler Antisemitismus 미리보기
Fuchs, Bernd Kriminalistik Verlag 2020
13588 저널기사 Virales Kurzarbeitergeld – Gesetzliche Voraussetzungen und bilanzielle Behandlung 미리보기
Hanno Rädlein; Simone Windeisen; Christoph Eppinger; Julian Kübler Handelsblatt. 2020
13589 저널기사 Viral FLICE-inhibitory proteins (FLIPs) prevent apoptosis induced by death receptors 미리보기
Thome, M Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
13590 저널기사 Viral Hepatitis and its Sequelae 미리보기
Thomas C. Chalmers, M.D. Beck 1990
13591 저널기사 Viral infection of transgenic mice expressing a viral protein in oligodendrocytes leads to chronic central nervous system autoimmune disease 미리보기
Evans, C. F Rockefeller University Press 1980
13592 저널기사 Viral Infections and Childhood Asthma/ 미리보기
Kimpen, Jan L L 2000
13593 저널기사 Viral Infections in Short-Term Injection Drug Users: The Prevalence of the Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Human Immunodeficiency, and Human T-Lymphotropic Viruses 미리보기
Garfein, R. S American Public Health Association 1980
13594 저널기사 Viral Kinetics in Hepatitis C/ 미리보기
Lutchman, G Williams & Wilkins 2003
13595 저널기사 Viral marketing Drink to that 미리보기
Nakazato, H.; Aoe, S. ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD 2004
13596 저널기사 Viral marketing: Motivations to forward online content 미리보기
Ho, J. Y.; Dempsey, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
13597 저널기사 Viral marketing through e-mail: the link company-consumer 미리보기
Miquel-Romero, M.-J.; Adame-Sanchez, C. EMERALD 2013
13598 저널기사 Viral mimicry: common mode of association with HCF by VP16 and the cellular protein LZIP 미리보기
Freiman, R. N Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
13599 저널기사 Viral Myc oncoproteins in infected fibroblasts down-modulate thrombospondin-1, a possible tumor suppressor gene 미리보기
Tikhonenko, A. T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
13600 저널기사 Viral nationalism: romantic intellectuals on the move in nineteenth-century Europe 미리보기
LEERSSEN, J. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2011
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