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13601 저널기사 Viral nucleic acid sequence transfer between fungi and plants 미리보기
Mariefeld, J. R Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
13602 저널기사 Viral Pneumonias 미리보기
Reimann, H.A American Medical Association 1956
13603 저널기사 Viral Proteases: Evolution of Diverse Motifs to Optimize Function 미리보기
Babe, L. M MIT Press 1997
13604 저널기사 Viral Replication and Lesions in BALB/c Mice Experimentally Inoculated with Porcine Circovirus Isolated from a Pig with Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Disease/ 미리보기
Kiupel, M American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2001
13605 저널기사 Viral reverse transcriptase : 미리보기
MO@LLING Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
13606 저널기사 Viral RNA : 미리보기
PEDERSEN Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
13607 저널기사 Viral RNA 미리보기
Horst Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
13608 저널기사 Viral RNA 미리보기
Marshall Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
13609 저널기사 Viral RNA as a Potential Target for Two Independent Mechanisms of Replicase-Mediated Resistance against Cucumber Mosaic Virus 미리보기
Hellwald, K.-H MIT Press 1995
13610 저널기사 Viral RNA trafficking is inhibited in replicase-mediated resistant transgenic tobacco plants 미리보기
Nguyen, L National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
13611 저널기사 Viral Self-Assembly as a Thermodynamic Process/ 미리보기
Bruinsma, R. F American Physical Society 2003
13612 저널기사 Viral status and antibody response in cattle inoculated with recombinantbovine leukemia virus-vaccinia virus vaccines after challenge exposure with bovine leukemia virus-infected lymphocytes 미리보기
Cherney, T. M American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
13613 저널기사 Viral Stress-inducible Protein p56 Inhibits Translation by Blocking the Interaction of eIF3 with the Ternary Complex eIF2·GTP·Met-tRNA~i/ 미리보기
Hui, D. J American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
13614 저널기사 Viral Superantigen Drives Extrafollicular and Follicular B Cell Differentiation Leading to Virus-specific Antibody Production 미리보기
Luther, S. A Rockefeller University Press 1980
13615 저널기사 Viral transactivators E1A and VP16 interact with a large complex that isassociated with CTD kinase activity and contains CDK8 미리보기
Gold, M. O Information Retrieval Limited 1980
13616 저널기사 Viral Triggers of Cardiac-Allograft Dysfunction/ 미리보기
Avery, R K Massachusetts Medical Society 2001
13617 저널기사 Viral V. Acharya: Quest for restoring financial stability in India 미리보기
13618 저널기사 Viral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors Vary Extensively in Amino Acid Sequence, Receptor-binding Specificities, and the Ability to Induce Vascular Permeability yet Are Uniformly Active Mitogens/ 미리보기
Wise, L. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
13619 저널기사 Viral Vectors. Gene Therapy and Neuroscience Applications. Edited by Michael G. Kaplitt and Arthur D. Loewy 미리보기
Cook, J. L Academic Press 1980
13620 저널기사 Viral Violence: Infectious Disease and Genocide 미리보기
Akhavan, Payam Johns Hopkins University Press 2021
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