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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
13701 저널기사 Viroli, Maurizio. For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism 미리보기
13702 저널기사 Virological and Histological Responses to One Year Alpha-Interferon-2a in Hemodialyzed Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C/ 미리보기
Hanrotel, C S. Karger 2001
13703 저널기사 Virologic and Immunologic Consequences of Discontinuing Combination Antiretroviral-Drug Therapy in HIV-Infected Patients with Detectable Viremia/ 미리보기
Deeks, S G Massachusetts Medical Society 2001
13704 연속간행물 Virology 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Academic Press 1955-
13705 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Amino Acid Substitution within the VP7 Protein of G2 Rotavirus Strains Associated with Failure To Serotype/ 미리보기
G�ara, Miren Iturriza American Society for Microbiology 2001
13706 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Analytical Performance and Clinical Utility of a Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification Assay for Detection of Cytomegalovirus Infection/ 미리보기
Witt, Donald J American Society for Microbiology 2000
13707 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Antibody Responses to Recombinant Epstein-Barr Virus Antigens in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients: Complementary Test of ZEBRA Protein and Early Antigens p54 and p138/ 미리보기
Dardari, R American Society for Microbiology 2001
13708 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Antibody-Secreting Cell Responses to Rotavirus Proteins in Gnotobiotic Pigs Inoculated with Attenuated or Virulent Human Rotavirus/ 미리보기
Chang, K O American Society for Microbiology 2001
13709 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Aphid Acquisition and Cellular Transport of Potato leafroll virus-like Particles Lacidng P5 Readthrough Protein/ 미리보기
Gildow, F E American Phytopathological Society] 2000
13710 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Application of Representational Difference Analysis to Genomic Fragments of Marek's Disease Virus/ 미리보기
Endoh, Daiji American Society for Microbiology 2000
13711 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Assessment, by Transcription-Mediated Amplification, of Virologic Response in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Treated with Peginterferon a-2a/ 미리보기
Sarrazin, Christoph American Society for Microbiology 2001
13712 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Automated Multiplex Assay System for Simultaneous Detection of Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Hepatitis C Virus RNA, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 RNA/ 미리보기
Meng, Q American Society for Microbiology 2001
13713 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Avian Pneumovirus (APV) RNA from Wild and Sentinel Birds in the United States Has Genetic Homology with RNA from APV Isolates from Domestic Turkeys/ 미리보기
Shin, Hyun-Jin American Society for Microbiology 2000
13714 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Bean golden yellow mosaic virus from Chiapas, Mexico: Characterization, Pseudorecombination with Other Bean-Infecting Germiviruses and Germ Plasm Screening/ 미리보기
Ganido-Ramirez, E R American Phytopathological Society] 2000
13715 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Biological and Molecular Characterization of a New Cucurbit-Infecting Tobamovirus/ 미리보기
Antignus, Y American Phytopathological Society] 2001
13716 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Broad bean wilt virus Causes Necrotic Symptoms and Generates Defective RNAs in Capsicum annuum/ 미리보기
Lee, U American Phytopathological Society] 2000
13717 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Can Pooling Be Used for Seroprevalence Studies of Hepatitis C?/ 미리보기
Stephens, G M American Society for Microbiology 2000
13718 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Characterization of Capsid Genes, Expressed in the Baculovirus System, of Three New Genetically Distinct Strains of "Norwalk-Like Viruses"/ 미리보기
Belliot, Ga�l American Society for Microbiology 2001
13719 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Characterization of Distinct Tombusviruses that Cause Diseases of Lettuce and Tomato in the Western United States/ 미리보기
Obermeier, C American Phytopathological Society] 2001
13720 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Characterization of Enterovirus Isolates from Patients with Heart Muscle Disease in a Selenium-Deficient Area of China/ 미리보기
Peng, Tianqing American Society for Microbiology 2000
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