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13841 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Molecular Characteristic-Based Epidemiology of Hepatitis B, C, and E Viruses and GB Virus C/Hepatitis G Virus in Myanmar/ 미리보기
Nakai, Kazuhiko American Society for Microbiology 2001
13842 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Molecular Characterization of Rotavirus in Ireland: Detection of Novel Strains Circulating in the Population/ 미리보기
O'Halloran, F American Society for Microbiology 2000
13843 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Molecular Cloning, Expression, and Antigenicity of Seto Virus Belonging to Genogroup I Norwalk-Like Viruses/ 미리보기
Kobayashi, Shinichi American Society for Microbiology 2000
13844 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Molecular Detection of Human Calicivirus in Young Children Hospitalized with Acute Gastroenteritis in Melbourne, Australia, during 1999/ 미리보기
Kirkwood, Cart D American Society for Microbiology 2001
13845 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Molecular Epidemiology of Human Group A Rotavirus Infections in the United Kingdom between 1995 and 1998/ 미리보기
Iturriza-G�ara, Miren American Society for Microbiology 2000
13846 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Monitoring Resistance to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Protease Inhibitors by Pyrosequencing/ 미리보기
O'Meara, Deirdre American Society for Microbiology 2001
13847 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Monitoring the Emergence of Hepatitis B Virus Polymerase Gene Variants during Lamivudine Therapy Using the LightCycler/ 미리보기
Whalley, Simon A American Society for Microbiology 2001
13848 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Multicenter Comparison of Roche COBAS AMPLICOR MONITOR Version 1.5, Organon Teknika NucliSens QT with Extractor, and Bayer Quantiplex Version 3.0 for Quantification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 RNA in Plasma/ 미리보기
Murphy, Donald G American Society for Microbiology 2000
13849 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Multicenter Proficiency Testing of Nucleic Acid Amplification Methods for the Detection of Enteroviruses/ 미리보기
Vliet, Karin E Van American Society for Microbiology 2001
13850 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Multisite Comparison of Reproducibility and Recovery from the Standard and Ultrasensitive Roche AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR Assays/ 미리보기
Brambilla, Donald J American Society for Microbiology 2001
13851 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Nested Restriction Site-Specific PCR To Detect and Type Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): A Rapid Method To Distinguish HCV Subtype 1b from Other Genotypes/ 미리보기
Krekulova, Laura American Society for Microbiology 2001
13852 저널기사 VIROLOGY - New Immunochromatographic Rapid Test for Diagnosis of Acute Puumala Virus Infection/ 미리보기
Hujakka, Helena American Society for Microbiology 2001
13853 저널기사 VIROLOGY - New LightCycler PCR for Rapid and Sensitive Quantification of Parvovirus B19 DNA Guides Therapeutic Decision-Making in Relapsing Infections/ 미리보기
Harder, Timm C American Society for Microbiology 2001
13854 저널기사 Virology: New trick from an old foe 미리보기
Cullen, B. R Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
13855 저널기사 VIROLOGY - No Evidence of Infectious Retroviruses in Measles Virus Vaccines Produced in Chicken Embryo Cell Cultures/ 미리보기
Shahabuddin, Muhammad American Society for Microbiology 2001
13856 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Nonisotopic Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Clinical Specimens Using a Consensus PCR and a Generic Probe Mix in an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Format/ 미리보기
Kornegay, J R American Society for Microbiology 2001
13857 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Normalized Quantification by Real-Time PCR of Epstein-Barr Virus Load in Patients at Risk for Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders/ 미리보기
Jabs, Wolfram J American Society for Microbiology 2001
13858 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Novel Approach To Reduce the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Window Period: Clinical Evaluation of a New Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for HCV Core Antigen/ 미리보기
Icardi, Giancarlo American Society for Microbiology 2001
13859 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Novel Method for Detection, Typing, and Quantification of Human Papillomaviruses in Clinical Samples/ 미리보기
Hart, Keith W American Society for Microbiology 2001
13860 저널기사 VIROLOGY - NSP4 Gene Analysis of Rotaviruses Recovered from Infected Children with and without Diarrhea/ 미리보기
Lee, Chun-Nan American Society for Microbiology 2000
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