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13941 저널기사 VIROLOGY - V3 Serological Subtyping of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 Infection Is Not Relevant/ 미리보기
Plantier, Jean-Christophe American Society for Microbiology 2001
13942 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Variable Oncogene Promoter Activity of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Cervical Cancer Isolates from Australia/ 미리보기
Watts, Kylie J American Society for Microbiology 2001
13943 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Variation in Transmission Efficiency Among Barley yellow dwarf virus-RMV Isolates and Clones of the Normally Inefficient Aphid Vector, Rhopalosiphum padi/ 미리보기
Lucio-Zavaleta, E American Phytopathological Society] 2001
13944 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Viral Load of Human Herpesvirus 8 in Peripheral Blood of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Kaposi's Sarcoma/ 미리보기
Tedeschi, Rosamaria American Society for Microbiology 2001
13945 저널기사 VIROLOGY - VP4 and VP7 Genotyping by Reverse Transcription-PCR of Human Rotavirus in Mexican Children with Acute Diarrhea/ 미리보기
Rodr�uez Castillo, Araceli American Society for Microbiology 2000
13946 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Whole-Blood Hemagglutination Inhibition Test for Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) Antibodies/ 미리보기
Meyer, M P American Society for Microbiology 2000
13947 저널기사 VIROLOGY - Yield Effects of Barley yellow dwarf virus in Soft Red Winter Wheat/ 미리보기
Perry, K L American Phytopathological Society] 2000
13948 저널기사 Viroporin-mediated Membrane Permeabilization. PORE FORMATION BY NONSTRUCTURAL POLIOVIRUS 2B PROTEIN 미리보기
Agirre, A.; Barco, A.; Carrasco, L.; Nieva, J. L. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
13949 저널기사 Virtual advertising 미리보기
13950 저널기사 Virtual agents in e-commerce: representational characteristics for seniors 미리보기
Chattaraman, V.; Kwon, W. S.; Gilbert, J. E.; Shim, S. I. Emerald Group Publishing 2011
13951 저널기사 Virtual and augmented reality technology is poised to transform retail 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
13952 저널기사 Virtual, and physical identities constructed, imagined, and experienced 미리보기
Wilkin-Armbrister, E. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
13953 저널기사 Virtual and real-estate science and technology parks: a case study of Taguspark 미리보기
Durao, D.; Sarmento, M.; Varela, V.; Maltez, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
13954 저널기사 Virtual angular momentum: The dynamics of inverting molecules in an electrostatic hexapole field 미리보기
Cho, V. A American Institute of Physics 1980
13955 단행본 Virtual arguments:on the design of argument assistants for lawyers and other arguers 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Bart Verheij T.M.C. Asser Press ; Distributed by Cambridge University Press 2005
13956 저널기사 Virtual assistants a cost-effective way to increase sales, customer satisfaction 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
13957 저널기사 Virtual autopsies: A cut from CSI 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
13958 저널기사 Virtual banking 미리보기
13959 저널기사 Virtual Bass Model and the left-hand data-truncation bias in diffusion of innovation studies 미리보기
Jiang, Z.; Bass, F. M.; Bass, P. I. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
13960 저널기사 Virtual Bayesian Implementation 미리보기
Duggan, J. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
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