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1381 저널기사 The viability of Fiji's sugar industry 미리보기
Mahadevan, R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1382 저널기사 The viability of fixed wireless access in the Spanish market 미리보기
Espias, M.; Perez, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
1383 저널기사 The Viability of GeH~4-Based In Situ Clean for Low Temperature Silicon Epitaxial Growth 미리보기
Wang, C.-L Electrochemical Society 1980
1384 저널기사 The viability of local payments for watershed services: Empirical evidence from Matiguas, Nicaragua 미리보기
Van Hecken, G.; Bastiaensen, J.; Vasquez, W. F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
1385 저널기사 The Viability of Minority-Owned Banks 미리보기
Lawrence, E. C. J A I PRESS INC 1997
1386 저널기사 The Viability of Ohmic Dissipation as a Coronal Heating Source 미리보기
Hendrix, D. L Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
1387 저널기사 The Viability of Organizational Wellness Programs: An Examination of Promotion and Results/ 미리보기
Watson, W V.H. Winston [etc.] 2003
1388 저널기사 The Viability of the Competitive Procurement of Black Start: Lessons from the RTOs 미리보기
Isemonger, A. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
1389 저널기사 The viable but non-culturable phenomenon explained? 미리보기
Bloomfield, S. F Society for General Microbiology 1980
1390 저널기사 The viable system model and its applications in higher education: an overview 미리보기
Rezk, Sahar Saeed; Gamal, Shahinaz Emerald Group Publishing Limited
unknown Crain Communications 2014
1392 저널기사 The vibrating sample magnetometer: Experiences of a volunteer (invited) 미리보기
Foner, S American Institute of Physics 1980
1393 저널기사 The vibrational analysis of styrene, revisited 미리보기
Granadino-Roldan, J. M North Holland 2003
1394 저널기사 The vibrational deactivation of CO(v=1) by inelastic collisions with H~2and D~2 미리보기
Reid, J. P American Institute of Physics 1980
1395 저널기사 The vibrational dephasing and relaxation of CH and CD stretches on diamond surfaces: An anomaly 미리보기
Lin, J.-C American Institute of Physics 1980
1396 저널기사 The vibrational energy levels in acetylene. III. ^1^2C~2D~2 미리보기
Herman, M American Institute of Physics 1980
1397 저널기사 The vibrational energy pattern in ^1^2C~2H~2(II): Vibrational clusteringand rotational structure 미리보기
Mohammed Abbouti Temsamani American Institute of Physics 1980
1398 저널기사 The vibrationally resolved C 1s core photoelectron spectra of methane and ethane 미리보기
Osborne, S. J American Institute of Physics 1980
1399 저널기사 The vibrational overtones of SiH4 isotopomers: experimental wavenumbers, assignment, ab initio dipole moment surfaces and intensities/ 미리보기
Lin Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
1400 저널기사 The vibrational predissociation of HeBr~2: a wavepacket study 미리보기
Krause, P. J. Clary, D. C. North Holland 1997
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