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14061 저널기사 Virtual money v the real thing 미리보기
14062 저널기사 Virtual MRI Endoscopy: Detection of Anomalies of the Ventricular Anatomy and its Possible Role as a Presurgical Planning Tool for Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy/ 미리보기
Rohde, V Springer-Verlag 2001
14063 저널기사 Virtual Music Concert Attendance Motives and Experience Through the Lens of Uses and Gratification Theory 미리보기
 (CLARA) Lei, Weng Si; Sequeira Couto, Ubaldino; Lourenço, Fernando; Wu, Cheng Man; Mak, Chi Cheng Cognizant Communication Corp. 2023
14064 저널기사 Virtual Nash implementation with admissible support 미리보기
Bochet, O.; Maniquet, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
Kennedy, G.; Salter, A. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
14066 저널기사 Virtual Office Hours (VOH) in accounting coursework: Leveraging technology to enhance an integrative learning environment 미리보기
Lillie, R. E.; Wygal, D. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
14067 저널기사 Virtual offices: understanding and managing what you cannot see 미리보기
Helms, M. M.; Raiszadeh, F. M. E. MCB UNIVERSITY PRESS 2002
14068 저널기사 Virtual Onscreen Assistants: A Viable Strategy to Support Online Customer Relationship Building? 미리보기
Keeling, K.; McGoldrick, P.; Beatty, S. Association for Consumer Research 2007
14069 저널기사 Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types/ 미리보기
Hinich, Vladimir 2001
14070 저널기사 Virtual organizational learning in open source software development projects 미리보기
Au, Y. A.; Carpenter, D.; Chen, X.; Clark, J. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
14071 저널기사 Virtual organization for supply chain integration: Two cases in the textile and fashion retailing industry 미리보기
Wang, W. Y.; Chan, H. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
14072 저널기사 Virtual Organizations: The future is now: The author expands on one of MIT's scenarios for the future and describes firms where many of these characteristics are in practice today 미리보기
Voss, H. 00 1996
14073 저널기사 Virtual Organization: Toward a Theory of Societal Transformation Stimulated by Information Technology 미리보기
Peterson, J. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
14074 저널기사 Virtual organizing as a strategy for the "Big Six" to stay competitive in a global market 미리보기
Sieber, P. ELSEVIER 1998
14075 저널기사 Virtual outsourcing: Mobile work 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2010
14076 저널기사 Virtual partition algorithm in a nested transaction environment and its correctness/ 미리보기
Madria, Sanjay Kumar North-Holland [etc 2001
14077 저널기사 Virtual partnerships in support of electronic commerce: the case of TCIS 미리보기
Leidner, D.E. ELSEVIER 1999
14078 저널기사 Virtual Permanent Establishments: Indian Law and Practice 미리보기
Meyyappan Nagappan;Anandapadmanabhan Unnikrishnan Kluwer Law International
14079 저널기사 Virtual photon fragmentation functions (13 pages)/ 미리보기
Qiu, Jianwei Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
14080 저널기사 Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World - Andrew Wilson 미리보기
ISHIYAMA, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
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