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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
14121 저널기사 Virtual Reality Training: New Technology Opens Up New Training Opportunities for Law Enforcement 미리보기
CORTNEY HARDING ; BRIAN ORTH International Association of Chiefs of Police 2019
14122 저널기사 Virtual reference in UK academic libraries: The virtual enquiry project 2008-2009 미리보기
Barry, E.; Bedoya, J. K.; Groom, C.; Patterson, L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
14123 저널기사 Virtual reference/query log pairs: a window onto user need 미리보기
Collard, S.; Whatley, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
14124 저널기사 Virtual repeated implementation 미리보기
Chambers, C. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
14125 저널기사 Virtual research environments - a Web 2.0 cookbook? 미리보기
Myhill, M.; Shoebridge, M.; Snook, L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14126 저널기사 Virtual research environments in scholarly work and communications 미리보기
Voss, A.; Procter, R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14127 저널기사 Virtual rheological experiments on linear alkane chains confined between titanium walls/ 미리보기
Pricl, Sabrina D. Steinkopff Verlag 2001
14128 저널기사 Virtual schools 미리보기
14129 저널기사 Virtual Schools and Educational Futures/ 미리보기
Russell, Glenn Educational News Service 2001
14130 저널기사 Virtual Shareholder Meetings: Fortifying or Felling Corporate Democracy? 미리보기
Tahmincioglu, Eve Information for Industry, inc.] 2017
14131 저널기사 Virtual shopping agents: Persona effects for older users 미리보기
Veena Chattaraman; Wi-Suk Kwon; Juan E. Gilbert; Yishuang Li Emerald Group Publishing Limited
14132 저널기사 Virtual shopping agents: Persona effects for older users 미리보기
Veena Chattaraman; Wi-Suk Kwon; Juan E. Gilbert; Yishuang Li Emerald Group Publishing Limited
14133 저널기사 Virtual shopping: Breakthrough in marketing research 미리보기
Burke, Raymond R Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
14134 저널기사 Virtual simulations and serious games in a laptop-based university: Gauging faculty and student perceptions 미리보기
Kapralos, B.; Hogan, M.; Pribetic, A. I.; Dubrowski, A. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2011
14135 저널기사 Virtual slides: high-quality demand, physical limitations, and affordability/ 미리보기
Glatz-Krieger, K W. B. Saunders Co 2003
14136 저널기사 Virtual social networks: mediated, massive and multiplayer sites - Edited by Niki Panteli 미리보기
Light, B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
14137 저널기사 Virtual sorghum: visualisation of partitioning and morphogenesis/ 미리보기
Kaitaniemi, P Elsevier 2000
14138 저널기사 Virtual spaces and real world places: transfer of route knowledge 미리보기
Witmer, B. G Academic Press 1980
14139 저널기사 Virtual Special Issue on Migration 미리보기
Jordan, Declan; Elhorst, Paul Routledge. 2016
14140 저널기사 Virtual special issue on regional inequality 미리보기
Doran, Justin; Jordan, Declan; Elhorst, Paul Routledge 2018
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