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14141 저널기사 Virtual special issue on urban development 미리보기
Jordan, Declan; Monastiriotis, Vassilis; Elhorst, Paul Routledge 2017
14142 저널기사 Virtual Special Issue: The Organizational Economics of Organizational Capability Development 미리보기
Argyres, Nicholas Institute of Management Sciences 2021
14143 저널기사 Virtual-State Formation in Positron Scattering from Vibrating Molecules: A Gateway to Annihilation Enhancement/ 미리보기
Nishimura, T American Physical Society 2003
14144 저널기사 Virtual store layout: an experimental comparison in the context of grocery retail 미리보기
Vrechopoulos, A. P.; O'Keefe, R. M.; Doukidis, G. I.; Siomkos, G. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
14145 저널기사 Virtual strategy development in Alfa Laval 미리보기
Malmgren, M.E.; Caulat, G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14146 저널기사 Virtual student union 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2013
14147 저널기사 Virtual Stylist 미리보기
Eng, Dinah Time, inc., etc.] 2013
14148 저널기사 Virtual team collaboration and innovation in organizations 미리보기
Gressgard, L. J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
14149 저널기사 Virtual Team Culture and the Amplification of Team Boundary Permeability on Performance 미리보기
Workman, M. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2005
14150 저널기사 Virtual team leadership: The effects of leadership style and communication medium on team interaction styles and outcomes 미리보기
Hambley, L. A.; O'Neill, T. A.; Kline, T. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2007
14151 저널기사 Virtual teams must "function" correctly: Project workers who are a world apart can be brought closer 미리보기
unknown Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
14152 저널기사 Virtual Teams: The New Way to Work 미리보기
Lipnack, J. 00 1999
14153 저널기사 Virtual Teams versus Face-to-Face Teams: An Exploratory Study of a Web-based Conference System 미리보기
14154 저널기사 Virtual Teams: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go From Here? 미리보기
Martins, L. L.; Gilson, L. L.; Maynard, M. T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
14155 저널기사 Virtual Top-Quark Effects on the H -> bb Decay at Next-to-Leading Order in QCD 미리보기
Chetyrkin, K. G American Physical Society 1980
14156 저널기사 Virtual Twins: New Findings on Within-Family Environmental Influences on Intelligence/ 미리보기
Segal, Nancy L American Psychological Association [etc.] 2000
14157 저널기사 Virtual Uncertainty: Developments in the Law of Electronic Payments and Financial Services 미리보기
Middlebrook, S.T.; Hughes, S.J. The Section 2013
14158 저널기사 Virtual utility and the core for games with incomplete information 미리보기
Myerson, R. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2007
14159 저널기사 Virtual Versus Face-to-face Events: The Effects of Event Type on Attendees' Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions 미리보기
 Godovykh, Maksim; Fyall, Alan; Pizam, Abraham; Hancer, Murat; Cassisi, Jeffrey Cognizant Communication Corp. 2022
14160 저널기사 virtual@@virtual.org 미리보기
Kavan, C.B. JAI PRESS INC 1999
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