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14161 저널기사 Virtual Voices Quality tools were at the center of efforts to create an integrated, regional call center for a group of municipalities in Ohio 미리보기
Wigent, D.; Sinn, J.W.; Adams, M. American Society for Quality Control 2014
14162 저널기사 Virtual Walk-Through 미리보기
B. Mattson-Teig Intertec Pub., etc.] 2014
14163 저널기사 Virtual water and the inequality in water content of consumption 미리보기
Mohamad Afkhami ; Thomas Bassetti ; Hamed Ghoddusi ; Filippo Pavesi Cambridge University Press 2022
14164 저널기사 Virtual Wedging In Three-Dimensional Peg Insertion Tasks 미리보기
Sturges, R. H American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
14165 저널기사 Virtual, wireless mannah: a co-opetitive analysis of the broadband satellite industry 미리보기
Carayannis, E. G. 00 2001
Konrad, Alex Time, inc., etc.] 2012
14167 저널기사 Virtual work usage and challenges in different service sector branches 미리보기
Mihhailova, G.; Oun, K.; Turk, K. MCB 2011
14168 저널기사 Virtual world brand experience and its impact on real world purchasing behavior 미리보기
Gabisch, J. A. Henry Stewart Publications 2011
14169 저널기사 Virtual world experimentation: An exploratory study 미리보기
Chesney, T.; Chuah, S. H.; Hoffmann, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
14170 저널기사 Virtual worlds adoption: a research framework and empirical study 미리보기
Hua, G.; Haughton, D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14171 저널기사 Virtual worlds: A gateway for SMEs toward internationalization 미리보기
Hassouneh, D.; Brengman, M. Henry Stewart Publications 2011
14172 저널기사 Virtual worlds and learning 미리보기
Steinkuehler, C.; Squire, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14173 저널기사 Virtual worlds, conceptual understanding, and me: designing for consequential engagement 미리보기
Gresalfi, M.; Barab, S.; Siyahhan, S.; Christensen, T. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14174 저널기사 Virtual worlds for children: Online playgrounds 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
14175 저널기사 Virtual worlds: Google's Lively isn't 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2008
14176 저널기사 Virtual worlds: Living a Second Life 미리보기
14177 저널기사 Virtual Worlds: New Marketing Channels or Emperor's New Clothes? (Consumer Perceptions of Innovation in Product-oriented vs. Service-oriented Companies) 미리보기
Propopec, S.; Goel, L. Association for Consumer Research 2012
14178 단행본 VIRTUAL會社法 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
木偉由美 著 悠悠社 2008
14179 저널기사 Virtue and Economy: Essays on Morality and Markets, edited by Andrius Bielskis and Kelvin Knight 미리보기
Sinnicks, Matthew Philosophy Documentation Center 2016
14180 저널기사 Virtue and Meaningful Work 미리보기
Beadle, R.; Knight, K. Philosophy Documentation Center 2012
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