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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1401 저널기사 The vibrational spectra of corannulene and coronene. A density functional study 미리보기
Martin, J. M. L. North Holland 1996
1402 저널기사 The vibrational spectra of furoxan and dichlorofuroxan: A comparative theoretical study using density functional theory and local electron correlation methods/ 미리보기
Rauhut, G Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
1403 저널기사 The vibrational spectra of molecular ions isolated in solid neon. XIII. Ions derived from HBr and HI 미리보기
Lugez, C. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1404 저널기사 The vibrational spectra of molecular ions isolated in solid neon. XIV. CH~3F^+, CH~3Cl^+, CH~3Br^+, and their ylidion isomers 미리보기
Lugez, C. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1405 저널기사 The vibrational spectrum of H~2O^+~2 radical cation: An illustration of symmetry breaking 미리보기
Hrusak, J American Institute of Physics 1980
1406 저널기사 The vibrational structure and predissociation of the B state of HeBr2 using a simple theoretical method/ 미리보기
Jung, Jaehoon North Holland 2001
1407 저널기사 The vibration of a rectangular laminated elastic plate with embedded piezoelectric sensors and actuators 미리보기
Batra, R. C Pergamon Press 1997
1408 저널기사 The vibration-rotation motions of water molecules in a 2M aqueous CsCl solution 미리보기
Savostin, V. V. Novikov, A. G. Rodnikova, M. N. Sobolev, O. V. North Holland 1996
1409 저널기사 The vibrations of a cantilever beam carrying a heavy tip mass with elastic supports 미리보기
Zhou, D Academic Press 1980
1410 저널기사 The vibratory stress relief of a marine shafting of 35# bar steel/ 미리보기
Sun, M. C. Wang, R. K. Sun, Y. H.; North-Holland 2004
1411 저널기사 The Vibrio cholerae O139 O-antigen polysaccharide is essential for Ca^2^+-dependent biofilm development in sea water/ 미리보기
Kierek, K National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
1412 저널기사 The Vibrio cholerae Porins OmpU and OmpT Have Distinct Channel Properties/ 미리보기
Simonet, V. C American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
1413 저널기사 The Vibrio cholerae Porins OmpU and OmpT Have Distinct Channel Properties 미리보기
Simonet, V. C.; Basle, A.; Klose, K. E.; Delcour, A. H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
1414 저널기사 The vicarious wisdom of crowds: toward a behavioral perspective on investor reactions to acquisition announcements 미리보기
Schijven, M.; Hitt, M. A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
1415 저널기사 The vice angle in the microbond test/ 미리보기
Pentland, R; Cross, W; Kjerengtroen, L Heilhecker, H Kellar, J J; Griswold, C; Chapman and Hall 2000
1416 저널기사 The vice-principal experience as a preparation for the principalship 미리보기
Kwan, P. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1417 저널기사 The Vices of Economists, The Virtues of the Bourgeoisie 미리보기
Frantz, R. unknown 2000
1418 저널기사 The Vicia faba Leghemoglobin Gene VfLb29 Is Induced in Root Nodules and in Roots Colonized by the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Glomus fasciculatum 미리보기
Fruehling, M APS Press 1997
1419 저널기사 The Vicia faba Lipoxygenase Gene VfLOX1 Is Expressed in the Root Nodule Parenchyma 미리보기
Perlick, A. M APS Press 1996
1420 저널기사 The "vicious circle" of tourism development in heritage cities 미리보기
Russo, A. P. PERGAMON 2002
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
