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14181 저널기사 Virtue and Reflection: The "Antinomies of Moral Philosophy" 미리보기
Menke, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
14182 저널기사 Virtue and the Common Good in Business and Management 미리보기
Sison, A.J.G.; Hartman, E.M.; Fontrodona, J. Philosophy Documentation Center 2012
14183 저널기사 Virtue and the Common Good in Liberal Theory. 미리보기
Downing, Lyle A.; Thigpen, Robert A. Cambridge University Press
14184 저널기사 Virtue and the Nation - Aesthetics of Self: Moral Remaking and Cypriot Education 미리보기
Bryant, Rebecca Cambridge University Press 2001
14185 저널기사 VIRTUE and the Promise of Conservatism: The Legacy of Burke and Tocqueville (Book Review). 미리보기
Diamond, Peter J. Cambridge University Press
14186 저널기사 Virtue at Work: Ethics for Individuals, Managers, and Organizations, by Geoff Moore 미리보기
Hartman, Edwin Philosophy Documentation Center 2018
14187 저널기사 Virtue ethics and customer relationship management: towards a more holistic approach for the development of -best practice- 미리보기
Bull, C.; Adam, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
14188 저널기사 Virtue Ethics as a Resource in Business 미리보기
Audi, R. Philosophy Documentation Center 2012
14189 저널기사 Virtue Ethics in Positive Organizational Scholarship: An Integrative Perspective 미리보기
Bright, D. S.; Stansbury, J.; Alzola, M.; Stavros, J. M. ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 2011
14190 저널기사 Virtue, Fortune, and Failure in Peru 미리보기
Vergara, Alberto National Endowment for Democracy 2018
14191 저널기사 Virtue in America - Steven B. Smith : Modernity and Its Discontents: Making and Unmaking the Bourgeois from Machiavelli to Bellow (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. Pp. 416.) 미리보기
Ryan Patrick Hanley University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press 2017
14192 저널기사 Virtue in Business: Conversations with Aristotle, by Edwin M. Hartman 미리보기
Moore, Geoff Philosophy Documentation Center 2015
14193 저널기사 (Virtuelle) Bande 미리보기
Lenard Wengenroth C. H. Beck 2015
14194 저널기사 Virtuelle Betriebsratssitzung in der Corona-Pandemie 미리보기
Ulrich Tödtmann; Charlotte von Erdmann Handelsblatt. 2021
14195 저널기사 Virtuelle Einigungsstelle: Hin und her – Gesetzgeber ohne Konzept 미리보기
Matthias Jacobs ; Tobias Vogt C.H. Beck 2021
14196 저널기사 Virtuelle Gläubigerversammlungen in Österreich 미리보기
Riel Carl Heymanns 2020
14197 저널기사 Virtuelle Gläubigerversammlungen in Österreich 미리보기
Stephan Riel Carl Heymanns 2020
14198 저널기사 Virtuelle Gläubigerversammlungen und digitaler Informationsfluss im Insolvenzrecht 미리보기
Carsten Jungmann ; Benedikt Windau Beck 2021
14199 저널기사 Virtuelle Gläubigerversammlung und Co. – Gegen einen Schnellschuss im Rahmen der COVID-19-Gesetzgebung 미리보기
Blankenburg ; Godzierz Carl Heymanns 2020
14200 저널기사 Virtuelle Gläubigerversammlung und Co. – Gegen einen Schnellschuss im Rahmen der COVID-19-Gesetzgebung 미리보기
Daniel Blankenburg ; Anna-Lena Godzierz Carl Heymanns 2020
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