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14261 저널기사 Virulence properties of Escherichia coli isolated from ostriches with respiratory disease/ 미리보기
Kn�bl, Terezinha Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 2001
14262 저널기사 Virulence properties of Escherichia coli strains belonging to enteropathogenic (EPEC) serogroups isolated from calves with diarrhea 미리보기
Saridakis, H. O Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1997
14263 저널기사 Virulence studies of Swedish net blotch isolates (Drechslera teres) and identification of resistant barley lines 미리보기
Jonsson, R M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
14264 저널기사 Virulente Leistungsstörungen – Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die Vertragsdurchführung 미리보기
Marc-Philippe Weller;Ass.iur. Markus Lieberknecht;Victor Habrich Biederstein 2020
14265 저널기사 Virulent foot rot in sheep 미리보기
Harwood, D. G The Association 1997
14266 저널기사 VIRULENT ZONES: Animal Disease and Global Health at China's Pandemic Epicenter. Experimental Futures. 미리보기
URETSKY ELANAH University of British Columbia [etc.] 2021
14267 저널기사 Virus and Leviathan: Symposium on Public Health an d Policy in a Free Society 미리보기
Coyne CJ Independent Institute 2021
14268 저널기사 Virus as master of the house/ 미리보기
Ambinder, R. F W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
14269 저널기사 Virus characterization and sequence of the fusion protein gene cleavage site of recent Newcastle Disease virus field isolates from the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico 미리보기
Marin, M. C American Association of Avian Pathologists [etc.] 1999
14270 저널기사 Virus Decay and Its Causes in Coastal Waters 미리보기
Noble, R. T American Society for Microbiology. 1980
14271 저널기사 Virus dynamics and drug therapy 미리보기
Bonhoeffer, S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
14272 저널기사 Virus-encoded proteinases of the picornavirus super-group 미리보기
Ryan, M. D Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
14273 저널기사 Virus Entry, Assembly, Budding, and Membrane Rafts/ 미리보기
Chazal, N American Society for Microbiology 2003
14274 저널기사 Virus entry into a polarized epithelial cell line (MDCK): similarities and dissimilarities between influenza C virus and bovine coronavirus 미리보기
Schultze, B Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
14275 저널기사 Viruses 미리보기
American Medical Association 1956
14276 저널기사 Viruses: 미리보기
BENTVELZEN Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
14277 저널기사 Viruses : 미리보기
STEVENS Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
14278 저널기사 Viruses and Atopic Sensitization in the First Years of Life/ 미리보기
Martinez, Fernando D 2000
14279 저널기사 Viruses and the Anthropocentric Problem of Suffering 미리보기
Mirjam Schilling Routledge 2023
14280 저널기사 Viruses as pacemakers in the evolution of defence mechanisms against cancer 미리보기
Eick, D Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
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