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14301 저널기사 Virus-like particles 미리보기
Calarco Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
14302 저널기사 Virus-like particles associated with macaw wasting disease 미리보기
Gough, R. E The Association 1996
14303 저널기사 Virus-like Particles Detected from Juvenile Abalones (Nordotis discus discus) Reared with an Epizootic Fatal Wasting Disease 미리보기
Otsu, R Academic Press 1980
14304 저널기사 Virus-like Particles in the Mycetocytes of the Sweetpotato Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) 미리보기
Costa, H. S Academic Press 1980
14305 저널기사 Virus-mediated gene transfer into hippocampal CA1 region restores long-term potentiation in brain-derived neurotrophic factor mutant mice 미리보기
Korte, M National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
14306 저널기사 Virus multiplication 미리보기
Carter Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
14307 저널기사 Virus mutators and antimutators/ 미리보기
Mansky, Louis M Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 2000
14308 저널기사 Virus pathogens suggest an autumn return/ 미리보기
Abdullah, A. S. M British Medical Association 2003
Bromley, Robert; Wolfe, Christopher; Darazsdi, James J.; Elliott, Raymond W.; King, Karl G.; Maller, Joel S.; Needle, Sheldon; Viator, Ralphn E Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
14310 저널기사 Virus proteins : 미리보기
Stark Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
14311 저널기사 Virus Removal from Wastewater in a Multispecies Subsurface-Flow Constructed Wetland/ 미리보기
Vidales, J. A The Federation 2003
14312 저널기사 Virus Resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana Conferred by African Cassava Mosaic Virus Replication-Associated Protein (AC1) Transgene 미리보기
Hong, Y APS Press 1996
14313 저널기사 Virus risk from xenotransplantation 미리보기
The Association 1997
14314 저널기사 Virus-sized self-assembling lamellar complexes between plasmid DNA and cationic micelles promote gene transfer 미리보기
Pitard, B National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
14315 저널기사 Virus specific antigen 미리보기
Volkers Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
14316 저널기사 Virus-specific CD8^+ T Lymphocytes Downregulate T Helper Cell Type 2 Cytokine Secretion and Pulmonary Eosinophilia during Experimental Murine Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection 미리보기
Srikiatkhachorn, A Rockefeller University Press 1980
14317 저널기사 Virus transmission ill gypsy moths is not a simple mass action process 미리보기
D'Amico, V Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
14318 저널기사 Virus Transmission Through Compromised Synthetic Barriers:Part I-Effect of Unsteady Driving Pressures/ 미리보기
Myers, Matthew R American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
14319 저널기사 Virus Transmission Through Compromised Synthetic Barriers: Part II-Influence of Pore Geometry/ 미리보기
Das, Bigyani American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
14320 저널기사 Virus Transmission via Food 미리보기
Food technology, etc.] 1997
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