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14361 저널기사 Viscoelastic Behavior of Chlorinated Polyethylene/Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) Blends in the Melt State/ 미리보기
Shumsky, V. F Wiley 2003
14362 저널기사 Viscoelastic Behavior of Fibers During Woven Fabric Bagging/ 미리보기
Zhang, X The Institute and the Foundation 2000
14363 저널기사 Viscoelastic behavior of ideal bimodal suspensions/ 미리보기
Shikata, Toshiyuki 2001
14364 저널기사 Viscoelastic Behavior of Semicrystalline Polymers at Elevated Temperatures on the Basis of A Two-Process Model for Stress Relaxation Published online 2 November 2000/ 미리보기
Djokovic, V Wiley 2000
14365 저널기사 Viscoelastic Behavior of Small Intestine in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats 미리보기
Zhao, J Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2004
14366 저널기사 Viscoelastic behaviour in indium alloys: InSn, InBi, InCd and InSnCd 미리보기
Brodt, M. Lakes, R. S. Chapman and Hall 1996
14367 저널기사 Viscoelastic behaviour of metallocene-catalysed polyethylene and low density polyethylene blends Use of the double reptation and Palierne viscoelastic models/ 미리보기
Aroca, M.; Peon, J. Dominguez, C.; Vega, J. F.; Martinez-Salazar, J. Chapman and Hall 2003
14368 저널기사 Viscoelastic behaviour of symmetrical three layer beams 미리보기
Cuillery, P Chapman and Hall 1996
14369 저널기사 Viscoelastic Behaviour of Wood Fibres during the Hot Pressing of Medium Density Fibreboard/ 미리보기
van Houts, J Walter de Gruyter 2003
14370 저널기사 Viscoelastic characterization of surimi gel: Effects of setting and starch 미리보기
Ma, L The Institute 1996
14371 저널기사 Viscoelastic constants of a soda-lime-silica glass 미리보기
Duffrene, L North-Holland 1980
14372 저널기사 Viscoelastic damping of particle and fiber reinforced composite materials 미리보기
Dunn, M. L American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
14373 저널기사 Viscoelastic dynamic properties of heterogeneous polymer networks with domain structure/ 미리보기
Gurtovenko, A A Huthig & Wepf 2000
14374 저널기사 Viscoelastic Dynamic Properties of Meshlike Polymer Networks: Contributions of Intra- and Interchain Relaxation Processes/ 미리보기
Gurtovenko, Andrew A American Chemical Society 2000
14375 저널기사 Viscoelastic effects in early stage phase separation in polymeric systems 미리보기
Onuki, A American Institute of Physics 1980
14376 저널기사 Viscoelastic Effects in Modeling Web Handling Systems: Steady-State Analysis 미리보기
Guan, X American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1995
14377 저널기사 Viscoelastic effects in the spreading of liquids 미리보기
Carre, A Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
14378 저널기사 Viscoelastic Effects on Dilute Polymer Solutions Phase Demixing: Fluorescence Study of a Poly(e-caprolactone) Chain in THF/ 미리보기
Pi�arra, Susana American Chemical Society 2001
14379 저널기사 Viscoelastic Effects on the Dynamics of Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Polymer Mixtures/ 미리보기
Cao, Y Huthig & Wepf 2001
14380 저널기사 Viscoelastic Effects on the Early Stages of Phase Separation in Polymer Blends 미리보기
Clarke, N American Chemical Society 1997
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