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14381 저널기사 Viscoelastic Effects on the Phase Separation in Thermoplastics-Modified Epoxy Resin/ 미리보기
Gan, W American Chemical Society 2003
14382 저널기사 Viscoelastic Free-Boundary Problems: Non-Newtonian Viscosity vs Normal Stress Effects 미리보기
Bonn, D American Physical Society 1980
14383 저널기사 Viscoelastic indentation on iodine-treated coal tar pitch/ 미리보기
Sakai, M 2001
14384 저널기사 Viscoelasticity and relaxation characteristics of polystyrene/clay nanocomposite 미리보기
Lee, C. H.; Sohn, J. I. Kim, T. H.; Jhon, M. S. Lim, S. T.; Choi, H. J.; Chapman and Hall 2003
14385 저널기사 Viscoelasticity of a fluid of dynamically disordered harmonic macromolecules 미리보기
Chatterjee, A. P American Institute of Physics 1980
14386 저널기사 Viscoelasticity of Frozen/Thawed Egg Yolk 미리보기
Telis, V. R. N The Institute 1997
14387 저널기사 Viscoelasticity of wood composite mats during consolidation/ 미리보기
Dai, Chunping 2001
14388 저널기사 Viscoelastic liquid crystal colloids for the continuous processing of twisted nematic electro-optical cells/ 미리보기
Boxtel, Marysia C W van American Institute of Physics 2001
14389 저널기사 Viscoelastic Material Response with a Fractional-Derivative ConstitutiveModel 미리보기
Baker, W. P American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
14390 저널기사 Viscoelastic materials with anisotropic rigid particles: stress-deformation behavior/ 미리보기
North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
14391 저널기사 Viscoelastic Minimum Principles Revisited 미리보기
Hazanov, S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
14392 저널기사 Viscoelastic Model for Particle Fragmentation in Olefin Polymerization/ 미리보기
Kittilsen, P American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
14393 저널기사 Viscoelastic Modelling of Entrance Flow using Multimode Leonov Model 미리보기
Gupta, M Wiley 1980
14394 저널기사 Viscoelastic model of paper surface compressibility 미리보기
Heikkilae, I Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy] 1997
14395 저널기사 Viscoelastic model of paper surface compressibility 미리보기
14396 저널기사 Viscoelastic parameter determination for a yarn 미리보기
Gotlih, K MCB University Press 1998
14397 저널기사 Viscoelastic parameter determination for a yarn 미리보기
Gotlih, K. MCB University Press 1998
14398 저널기사 Viscoelastic phenomena in the fracture of thermosetting resins 미리보기
Horrigan, D. P. W. Moltschaniwskyj, G. McKilliam, G. Chapman and Hall 1998
14399 저널기사 Viscoelastic-plastic behaviour with mean strain changes in polypropylene 미리보기
Ariyama, T Chapman and Hall 1996
14400 저널기사 Viscoelastic processes in non-ergodic states (percolation and glass transitions) of attractive micellar systems/ 미리보기
Faraone, A.; Chen, S. H. Mallamace, F. Tartaglia, P.; Broccio, M.; Chen, W. R.; North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
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