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14401 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties and Film Morphology of Heterogeneous Styrene-Butadiene Latexes 미리보기
Hagen, R Wiley 1996
14402 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Aligned Block Copolymer Lamellae/ 미리보기
Hahn, H American Chemical Society 2001
14403 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Amorphous Polymers. 6. Local Segmental Contribution to the Recoverable Compliance of Polymers 미리보기
Ngai, K. L American Chemical Society 1996
14404 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Amorphous Polymers. 7. Changes of the Anomalous Behavior of Low Molecular Weight Polystyrene with the Addition of a Diluent 미리보기
Ngai, K. L American Chemical Society 1997
14405 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of bamboo 미리보기
Amada, S Chapman and Hall 1997
14406 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of durum wheat and common wheat dough of different strengths/ 미리보기
Edwards, Nancy M D. Steinkopff Verlag 2001
14407 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of epoxy networks in the glass transition region 미리보기
Tcharkhtchi, A Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1998
14408 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Heat-Set Whey Protein-Stabilized Emulsion Gels with Added Lecithin 미리보기
Dickinson, E The Institute 1996
14409 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Nanostructured Natural Rubber/Polystyrene Interpenetrating Polymer Networks/ 미리보기
Mathew, A. P Wiley 2003
14410 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Narrow-Distribution Poly(methyl methacrylates) 미리보기
Fuchs, K American Chemical Society 1996
14411 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Paper Coatings: Relationship Between Coating Structure-Viscoelasticity and End-Use Performance 미리보기
Kan, C. S Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1980
14412 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Poly (ethylene-co-styrene) Copolymers 미리보기
Lobbrecht, A Wiley 1997
14413 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of polymer-thickened oil-in-water emulsions 미리보기
Pal, R Pergamon Press 1980
14414 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Poly(vinyl chloride) Gels: Universality of Gel Elasticity/ 미리보기
Kakiuchi, M American Chemical Society 2001
14415 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Random Poly(butylene adipate/isophthalate) Copolymers 미리보기
Righetti, M. C Wiley 1997
14416 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Reduced-fat and Full-fat Cheddar Cheeses 미리보기
Ma, L The Institute 1996
14417 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disk in compression/ 미리보기
Leahy, J C Chapman and Hall 2001
14418 저널기사 Viscoelastic Properties of Thermoreversible Gels from Chemically Modified PVCs 미리보기
Lopez, D American Chemical Society 1996
14419 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of threads before and after sewing/ 미리보기
Ajiki, I MCB University Press 2003
14420 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of threads before and after sewing 미리보기
Ajiki, I.; Postle, R. MCB University Press 2003
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