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14421 저널기사 Viscoelastic properties of xanthan gels interacting with cations 미리보기
Ma, L The Institute 1997
14422 저널기사 Viscoelastic Relaxation of Guest Linear Poly(dimethylsiloxane) in End-Linked Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Networks/ 미리보기
Urayama, Kenji American Chemical Society 2001
14423 저널기사 Viscoelastic Relaxation of Polyurethane at Different Stages of the Gel Formation. 1. Glass Transition Dynamics 미리보기
Randrianantoandro, H American Chemical Society 1997
14424 저널기사 Viscoelastic Relaxation of Polyurethane at Different Stages of the Gel Formation. 2. Sol-Gel Transition Dynamics 미리보기
Nicolai, T American Chemical Society 1997
14425 저널기사 Viscoelastic Relaxation of Styrene-Butadiene Diblock Copolymer Micellar Systems. 1. Behavior in a Nonentangling, Short Polybutadiene Matrix 미리보기
Watanabe, H American Chemical Society 1996
14426 저널기사 Viscoelastic Relaxation of Styrene-Butadiene Diblock Copolymer Micellar Systems. 2. Behavior in Entangling, Long Polybutadiene Matrices 미리보기
Watanabe, H American Chemical Society 1996
14427 저널기사 Viscoelastic relaxation of topographic highs on Venus to produce coronae 미리보기
Janes, D. M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
14428 저널기사 Viscoelastic response of solid rocket motor components for service life assessment 미리보기
Ho, S. Y. Chapman and Hall 1997
14429 저널기사 Visco-elastic stress distributions and elastic properties in unidirectional composites with large volume fractions of fibers/ 미리보기
Benedikt, B Elsevier Science 2003
14430 저널기사 Viscoelastic theory of liquid 3He in aerogel 미리보기
Higashitani, S North-Holland 2003
14431 저널기사 Viscoelastic Timoshenko Beam Solutions from Euler-Bernoulli Solutions 미리보기
Wang, C. M American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
14432 저널기사 Viscoelastic Warpage Analysis of Surface Mount Package/ 미리보기
Miyake, Kiyoshi American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
14433 저널기사 Viscoelectroelastic behavior of heterogeneous piezoelectric solids/ 미리보기
Li, Jiangyu American Institute of Physics 2001
14434 저널기사 Visco-Hyperelastic Model for Filled Rubbers Used in Vibration Isolation 미리보기
Papoulia, K.-D American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
14435 저널기사 Viscometer for Routine Determination of Proteolytic Activity of Malts / 미리보기
Koch, John R American Chemical Society 1939
14436 저널기사 Viscometric, Conductometric, and Ultrasonic Studies of Gelatin-g-polyacrylamide Composite 미리보기
Kaur, I Wiley 1996
14437 저널기사 Viscometric determination of Moisture in Honey / 미리보기
Oppen, F. C American Chemical Society 1939
14438 저널기사 Viscometric investigation of the aggregation and transfer reactions of polystyryllithium in ethylbenzene at elevated temperatures 미리보기
Auguste, S Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1997
14439 저널기사 Viscoplastic Analysis of Adhesive Joints 미리보기
Hu, G. K American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
14440 저널기사 Viscoplastic Behavior of a Notch Root at 650�: ISDG Measurement and Finite Element Modeling 미리보기
Li, K American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
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