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14441 저널기사 Viscoplastic Deformation of 40 Pb/60Sn Solder Alloys-Experiments and Constitutive Modeling/ 미리보기
Sasaki, Katsuhiko American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
14442 저널기사 Viscoplastic Hoffman consistency model for concrete/ 미리보기
Winnicki, A 2001
14443 저널기사 Viscoplasticity for Instabilities due to Strain Softening and Strain-rate Softening 미리보기
Wang, W. M Wiley [etc.] 1980
14444 저널기사 Viscoplastic modeling of texture development in polycrystalline ice witha self-consistent approach: Comparison with bound estimates 미리보기
Castelnau, O William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
14445 저널기사 Visco-resistive magnetic reconnection due to steady inertialess flows. Part I. Exact analytical solutions 미리보기
Titov, V. S Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
14446 저널기사 Viscosimetric, Hydrodynamic, and Conformational Properties of Dendrimers and Dendrons/ 미리보기
Tande, B M American Chemical Society 2001
14447 저널기사 Viscosities of Fatty Acids, Triglycerides, and Their Binary Mixtures 미리보기
Valeri, D American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
14448 저널기사 Viscosities of Unsaturated Polyester Resins: Combining Effects of Prepolymer Structure, Resin Composition, and Temperature 미리보기
Yang, Y.-S Wiley 1996
14449 저널기사 Viscosity and elastic constants of thin films of amorphous Te alloys used for optical data storage/ 미리보기
Kalb, J American Institute of Physics 2003
14450 저널기사 Viscosity and Elasticity During Collagen Assembly In Vitro: Relevance toMatrix-Driven Translocation 미리보기
Newman, S John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1997
14451 저널기사 Viscosity and entropy change in creep during water desorption for wood 미리보기
Nakano, T Springer-Verlag 1996
14452 저널기사 Viscosity and Gelling Characteristics of Sunflower Pectin As Affected byChemical and Physical Factors 미리보기
Li, G American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
14453 저널기사 Viscosity and its Relationship to Crystallization in a Binary System of Saturated Triacylglycerides and Sesame Seed Oil 미리보기
Toro-Vazquez, J. F American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
14454 저널기사 Viscosity and light scattering studies of poly(4-vinylpyridine N-oxide) in solution 미리보기
Lee, C Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1996
14455 저널기사 Viscosity and ph of milk as affected by added stabilizers and mineral salts 미리보기
El-Etriby, H. M Egyptian Society of Dairy Science 1980
14456 저널기사 Viscosity and structure variations of Al Si alloy in the semi-solid state 미리보기
Yang, Y. S. Tsao, C.-Y. A. Chapman and Hall 1997
14457 저널기사 Viscosity and Ultrasonic Studies of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Water Solutions/ 미리보기
Milewska, A Wiley 2003
14458 저널기사 Viscosity Behavior and Surface and Interfacial Activities of Hydrophobically Modified Water-Soluble Acrylamide/N-Phenyl Acrylamide Block Copolymers/ 미리보기
Abu-Sharkh, B. F Wiley 2003
14459 저널기사 Viscosity Behavior of PVC-Modified Liquid Natural Rubber Blends 미리보기
Thomas, G. V Wiley 1996
14460 저널기사 Viscosity calculations of n-alkanes by equilibrium molecular dynamics 미리보기
Mondello, M American Institute of Physics 1980
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