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14461 저널기사 Viscosity, configurational entropy and relaxation kinetics of borosilicate melts 미리보기
Sipp, A North-Holland 1980
14462 저널기사 Viscosity Correlation for Aqueous Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Solutions/ 미리보기
Swei, J Wiley 2003
14463 저널기사 Viscosity Dependence of Polystyrene Local Dynamics in Dilute Solution 미리보기
Zhu, W American Chemical Society 1997
14464 저널기사 Viscosity Dependence of the Folding Rates of Proteins 미리보기
Klimov, D. K American Physical Society 1980
14465 저널기사 Viscosity effects on nebulisation of aqueous solutions 미리보기
Mc Callion, O. N. M Elsevier/North Holland 1980
14466 저널기사 Viscosity effects on nebulization of aqueous solutions 미리보기
McCallion, O. N. M Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
14467 저널기사 Viscosity enhancement In non-Newtonian flow of dilute polymer solutions through crystallographic porous media/ 미리보기
Haward, S. J D. Steinkopff Verlag 2003
14468 저널기사 Viscosity in Keplerian Disks: Steady-State Velocity Distribution and Non-local Collision Effects 미리보기
Petit, J.-M Academic Press 1980
14469 저널기사 Viscosity Measurement / 미리보기
Cannon, M. R American Chemical Society 1938
14470 저널기사 Viscosity measurement in halide melts 미리보기
Naftaly, M North-Holland 1980
14471 저널기사 Viscosity Modeling of Light Gases at Supercritical Conditions Using the Friction Theory/ 미리보기
Zeberg-Mikkelsen, C K American Chemical Society 2001
14472 저널기사 Viscosity of Ag-Sb alloys 미리보기
Nikolaev, B North-Holland 1980
14473 저널기사 Viscosity of aniline between 20℃ and 100℃ / 미리보기
Steiner, L. A American Chemical Society 1938
14474 저널기사 Viscosity of argon at temperatures >2000 K from measured shock thickness/ 미리보기
Macrossan, M. N American Institute of Physics 2003
14475 저널기사 Viscosity of bimodal charge-stabilized polymer dispersions/ 미리보기
Horn, F M J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 2000
14476 저널기사 Viscosity of Blast Furnace Type Slags/ 미리보기
Saito, N Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2003
14477 저널기사 Viscosity of digesta in crop, proventriculus and intestines of broilers with water and guar gum addition to the diet 미리보기
Yasar, S Longman 1980
14478 저널기사 Viscosity of Hg~0.~8~4Zn~0~.~1~6Te pseudobinary melt 미리보기
Mazuruk, K American Institute of Physics 1980
14479 저널기사 Viscosity of hydrous rhyolitic melts inferred from kinetic experiments, and a new viscosity model/ 미리보기
Zhang, Y Mineralogical Society of America 2003
14480 저널기사 Viscosity of isotropic hard particle fluids 미리보기
Allen, M. P American Institute of Physics 1980
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