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14481 저널기사 Viscosity of magnetic particle suspensions/ 미리보기
Choi, Hyoung J North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
14482 저널기사 Viscosity of Petroleum Products / 미리보기
Willihnganz, E. A American Chemical Society 1934
14483 저널기사 Viscosity of salt-in-polymer solutions near the glass transition temperature by penetrometry, and pseudo-macromolecule behaviour at a critical composition in NaClO4~-PPO(4000) 미리보기
McLin, M. G Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1996
14484 저널기사 Viscosity of selenium measured by impression test 미리보기
Yang, F North-Holland 1980
14485 저널기사 Viscosity of WC-Co compacts during sintering/ 미리보기
Gillia, O Elsevier Science 2001
14486 저널기사 Viscosity Oscillations and Hysteresis in Dilute Emulsions 미리보기
Navot, Y American Physical Society 1980
14487 저널기사 Viscosity Reduction of Polymeric Liquid by Dissolved Carbon Dioxide 미리보기
Bae, Y. C Wiley 1997
14488 저널기사 Viscosity scaling in suspensions of non-Brownian rodlike particles 미리보기
Ralambotiana, T American Institute of Physics 1980
14489 저널기사 Viscosity scaling of glass forming liquids on the basis of fragility 미리보기
Kumar, S North Holland 2003
14490 저널기사 Viscosity-Temperature Relationship of Dilute Solution of Poly(vinyl chloride) in Cyclohexanone and in Its Blends with Xylene 미리보기
Gupta, K Wiley 1997
14491 저널기사 Viscosity Transitions in Aqueous Suspensions of Hydrogel Microspheres 미리보기
Hooper, H. H Wiley 1997
14492 저널기사 Viscosity versus molecular weight and temperature of diolic perfluoro-poly(oxyethylene-ran-oxymethylene) oligomers: role of the end copolymer effect 미리보기
Tieghi, G Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1998
14493 저널기사 Viscous accretion discs around rotating black holes 미리보기
Peitz, J Priestley and Weale 1980
14494 저널기사 Viscous and inviscid instabilities of non-parallel self-similar axisymmetric vortex cores 미리보기
Fernandez-Feria, R Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
14495 저널기사 Viscous and nonviscous models of the partially filled rolling can 미리보기
Jackson, K. A Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 1980
14496 저널기사 Viscous attenuation of sound in dilute suspensions of rigid particles 미리보기
Temkin, S American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
14497 저널기사 Viscous Behavior of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Solution 미리보기
Yang, M.-C Wiley 1997
14498 저널기사 Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions 미리보기
Niemunis, A National Research Council Canada 1980
14499 저널기사 Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions: Discussion 미리보기
Mesri, G National Research Council Canada 1980
14500 저널기사 Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions: Reply 미리보기
Niemunis, A National Research Council Canada 1980
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