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14541 저널기사 Visibility and facticity in policy diffusion: going beyond the prevailing binarity 미리보기
Strebel, F.; Widmer, T. Kluwer Academic Publishers, [etc.] 2012
14542 저널기사 Visibility and impact of Iranian research institutions on the web 미리보기
Erfanmanesh, M.; Didegah, F. THE PIERIAN PRESS, INC. 2011
14543 저널기사 Visibility and involvement in effective arts marketing 미리보기
Lange, C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
14544 저널기사 Visibility and voice in organisations: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered employee networks 미리보기
Colgan, F.; McKearney, A. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2012
14545 저널기사 Visibility concepts in orthogonal polygon recognition/ 미리보기
Poorna, B North Holland 2001
14546 저널기사 Visibility degradation across Hong Kong: its components and their relative contributions/ 미리보기
Lai, Lee Yuet Pergamon 2001
14547 저널기사 Visibility effects and timing in stock listing changes: Evidence from operating performance 미리보기
Papaioannou, G. J.; Travlos, N. G.; Viswanathan, K. G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
14548 저널기사 Visibility for multi-particle interference/ 미리보기
Luis, A North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
14549 저널기사 Visibility impairment during Yellow Sand periods in the urban atmosphere of Kwangju, Korea/ 미리보기
Kim, Kyung W Pergamon 2001
14550 저널기사 Visibility into the work 미리보기
Beagles, C. A.;Griffin, S. L. ISPI 2003
14551 저널기사 Visibility Into the Work: TQM Work Process Analysis With HPT and ISD 미리보기
Beagles, C. A.; Griffin, S. L. ISPI 2003
14552 저널기사 Visibility Lensclean and the Reliability of Deconvolved Radio Images 미리보기
Ellithorpe, J. D Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
14553 저널기사 Visibility Model Based on Satellite-Generated Landscape Data 미리보기
Eldering, A American Chemical Society 1980
14554 저널기사 Visibility of microcalcifications in computed and screen-film mammography 미리보기
Cowen, A. R Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
14555 저널기사 Visibility of scattered broad-line emission in Seyfert 2 galaxies 미리보기
Heisler, C. A Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
14556 저널기사 Visibility of "Tame" Terrain 미리보기
Rosenfeld, A North-Holland [etc 1980
14557 저널기사 Visibility of the compass rose in financial asset returns: A quantitative study 미리보기
Wang, H.; Wang, C. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
14558 저널기사 Visibility of trabecular structures in oral radiographs/ 미리보기
Couture, R. A Mosby-Year Book, Inc 2004
14559 저널기사 Visibility-reducing organic aerosols in the vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park: Properties observed by high resolution gas chromatography 미리보기
Mazurek, M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
14560 저널기사 Visibility study in Seoul, 1993 미리보기
Baik, N.-J Pergamon 1996
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