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14581 저널기사 Visible influence of substrate-surface defects on YBa2Cu3O7-x film nucleation and growth on polycrystalline silver/ 미리보기
Huang, D X North-Holland 2001
14582 저널기사 Visible-light communication: Tripping the light fantastic 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
14583 저널기사 Visible light-dependent degradation of lipidic phytoplanktonic components during senescence: a review/ 미리보기
Rontani, Jean-Fran�ois Pergamon Press 2001
14584 저널기사 Visible light-dependent degradation of long-chain alkenes in killed cells of Emiliania huxleyi and Nannochloropsis salina/ 미리보기
Mouzdahir, Abdelkrim Pergamon Press 2001
14585 저널기사 Visible light emission from GaAs nanocrystals in SiO2 films fabricated by sequential ion implantation/ 미리보기
Kanemitsu, Yoshihiko Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
14586 저널기사 Visible Light Emission from Silicon Implanted and Annealed SiO~2 Layers 미리보기
Ghislotti, G Electrochemical Society 1980
14587 저널기사 Visible light emission from Si nanocrystals grown by ion implantation and subsequent annealing 미리보기
Guha, S American Institute of Physics 1980
14588 저널기사 Visible-Light-Emitting Layered BC~2N Semiconductor 미리보기
Watanabe, M. O American Physical Society 1980
14589 저널기사 Visible Light from Si/SiO2 Superlattice<s in Optical Microcavities / 미리보기
Lockwood, D.J 1998
14590 저널기사 Visible Light-Induced Degradation of Carbon Tetrachloride on Bye-Sensitized TiO2 미리보기
Cho, Youngmin American Chemical Society 2001
14591 저널기사 Visible-light induced hydrophilicity on nitrogen-substituted titanium dioxide films/ 미리보기
Irie, H Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
14592 저널기사 Visible light-induced nuclease activity of a ternary mono-phenanthroline copper(II) complex containing L-methionine as a photosensitizer/ 미리보기
Patra, A. K Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
14593 저널기사 Visible-light-induced persistent photoconductivity in perovskite manganite films of (La0.3Nd0.7)2/3Ca1/3MnO3/ 미리보기
Dai, J M American Institute of Physics 2001
14594 저널기사 Visible-light induced photofixation of carbon dioxide into aromatic ketones and benzyl halides catalysed by CdS nanocrystallites 미리보기
Fujiwara, H Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
14595 저널기사 Visible light induced photopolymerization: speeding up the rate of polymerization by using co-initiators in dye/amine photoinitiating systems/ 미리보기
Grotzinger, C Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 2003
14596 저널기사 Visible light induced polymerization of maleimide-vinyl and maleimide-allyl ether based systems/ 미리보기
Burget, D Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 2003
14597 저널기사 Visible Light Initiated Photosensitized Electron Transfer Cyclizations of Aldehydes and Ketones to Tethered ��Unsaturated Esters: Stereoselective Synthesis of Optically Pure C-Furanosides 미리보기
Pandey, G American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
14598 저널기사 Visible light-operated glucose-O~2 biofuel cell 미리보기
Amao, Y.; Takeuchi, Y. Unesco; 1999 2007
14599 저널기사 Visible Light Pulsed-Laser Polymerization at 532 nm Employing a Julolidine Dye Photosensitizer Initiation System 미리보기
Zammit, M. D American Chemical Society 1997
14600 저널기사 Visible light responsive photocatalysts developed by substitution with metal cations aiming at artificial photosynthesis 미리보기
Yuichi Yamaguchi ; Akihiko Kudo Higher Education Press : springer. 2021
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