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14601 저널기사 Visible luminescence from Ge nanocrystals embedded in a-Si~1~-~xO~x films: correlation of optical properties and size distribution 미리보기
Zacharias, M North-Holland 1980
14602 저널기사 Visible luminescence from Pr-doped sulfide glasses 미리보기
Tikhomirov, V. K American Institute of Physics 1980
14603 저널기사 Visible luminescences from thermally grown silicon dioxide thin films 미리보기
Won Chel Choi American Institute of Physics 1980
14604 저널기사 Visible luminescence studies in the infrared multiphoton dissociation of1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane 미리보기
Pushpa, K. K North Holland 1997
14605 저널기사 Visible moves and invisible bodies: the case of teleworking in an Italian call centre 미리보기
Valsecchi, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
14606 저널기사 Visible photo- and electroluminescence from electrochemically formed nanocrystalline Si thin film 미리보기
Toyama, T American Institute of Physics 1980
14607 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from Ge nanocrystal embedded into a SiO~2 matrix fabricated by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition 미리보기
Achyut Kumar Dutta American Institute of Physics 1980
14608 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from nearly monodispersed Au12 clusters protected by meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid/ 미리보기
Negishi, Y North Holland 2004
14609 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from porous a-Si:H and porous a-Si:C:H thin films 미리보기
Estes, M. J American Institute of Physics 1980
14610 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from porous GaAs 미리보기
Schmuki, P American Institute of Physics 1980
14611 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from pressure annealed intrinsic Czochralski-grown silicon 미리보기
Karwasz, G. P American Institute of Physics 1980
14612 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from ruthenium-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes/ 미리보기
Dickey, Elizabeth C American Institute of Physics 2001
14613 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence from Si clusters in gamma-irradiated amorphousSiO~2 미리보기
Nishikawa, H American Institute of Physics 1980
14614 저널기사 Visible photoluminescence of the deposited germanium-oxide prepared from clusters in the gas phase/ 미리보기
Negishi, Yuichi American Institute of Physics 2000
14615 저널기사 Visible presence: CH Robinson Europe, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eden Prairie (MN)-headquartered CH Robinson Worldwide, has enjoyed rapid expansion since its establishment in 1993 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2007
14616 저널기사 Visible room-temperature photoluminescence from oxidized germanium 미리보기
Chen, J. H North-Holland 1980
14617 저널기사 Visible spectra of fractal particles in colloidal solutions 미리보기
Tretyakov, Y. D. Vertegel, A. A. Oleynikov, N. N. Kalinin, S. V. North Holland 1996
14618 저널기사 Visible Spectroscopy of Possible Cometary Candidates 미리보기
Lazzarin, M Academic Press 1980
14619 저널기사 Visible Spectroscopy of the Rosetta Asteroid Targets: 3840 Mimistrobell and 2530 Shipka 미리보기
Barucci, M. A Academic Press 1980
14620 저널기사 Visible spectroscopy of the two largest known trans-Neptunian objects: Ixion and Quaoar/ 미리보기
Marchi, S Springer-Verlag 2003
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