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14741 저널기사 Visit Orlando CEO Gary Sain Mourned 미리보기
Bill Communications 2012
14742 저널기사 Visitor learning at a heritage attraction: a case study of Discovery as a media product 미리보기
14743 저널기사 Visitor learning at a heritage attraction: a case study of Discovery as a media product 미리보기
Prentice, R Butterworths 1998
14744 저널기사 Visitor management into the 21st century 미리보기
Shackley, M Butterworths 1996
14745 저널기사 Visitor management into the 21st century 미리보기
14746 저널기사 Visitor management practices and operational sustainability: Expedition cruising in the Kimberley, Australia 미리보기
Scherrer, P.; Smith, A. J.; Dowling, R. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
14747 저널기사 Visitor monitoring along roads and hiking trails: How to determine usage levels in tourist sites 미리보기
Wolf, I. D.; Hagenloh, G.; Croft, D. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
14748 저널기사 Visitor narratives: researching and illuminating actual destination experience 미리보기
Guthrie, C.; Anderson, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
14749 저널기사 Visitor perceptions of crime-safety and attitudes towards risk: The case of Table Mountain National Park, Cape Town 미리보기
George, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
14750 저널기사 Visitors’ strategic anticipation of crowding in scarce recreational resources 미리보기
Han, Q.; Dellaert, B. G.; Fred Van Raaij, W.; Timmermans, H. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
14751 저널기사 Visitors’ learning for environmental sustainability: Testing short- and long-term impacts of wildlife tourism experiences using structural equation modelling 미리보기
Ballantyne, R.; Packer, J.; Falk, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
14752 저널기사 Visitors’ memories of wildlife tourism: Implications for the design of powerful interpretive experiences 미리보기
Ballantyne, R.; Packer, J.; Sutherland, L. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
14753 저널기사 Visitor satisfaction with a key wildlife tourism destination within the context of a damaged landscape 미리보기
Newsome, D.; Rodger, K.; Pearce, J.; Chan, K.L.J. Channel View Books 2019
14754 저널기사 Visitors' evaluation of an historical district: Repertory Grid Analysis and Laddering Analysis with photographs 미리보기
Naoi, T.; Airey, D.; Iijima, S.; Niininen, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
14755 저널기사 Visitors' experience, mood and satisfaction in a heritage context: Evidence from an interpretation center 미리보기
de Rojas, C.; Camarero, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
14756 저널기사 Visitors’ motivations to engage in glacier tourism in the European Alps: comparison of six sites in France, Switzerland, and Austria 미리보기
Emmanuel Salim ; Marius Mayer ; Philipp Sacher ; Ludovic Ravanel Multilingual Matters 2023
14757 저널기사 Visitors’ values and perceptions of seal watching management in Northwestern Iceland 미리보기
Cécile Marie Chauvat ; Jessica Aquino ; Sandra Magdalena Granquist Multilingual Matters 2023
14758 저널기사 Visna-like disease in a ram with chronic demyelinating encephalomyelitis 미리보기
Constable, P. D American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
14759 저널기사 Visna virus 미리보기
Haase Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
14760 저널기사 Visna virus : 미리보기
Macintyre Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
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