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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
14761 저널기사 Visocity Correction Factor for Rotameter 미리보기
Wojtkowiak, J American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
14762 저널기사 Vi som leier politikerne I hånden (en forsinket nyttårstale) 미리보기
Viken, Guri Idsø; Sæterbakk, Inger Johanne Universitetsforlaget 2015
14763 저널기사 VISON ヴィソン : 食と健康をテーマとする商業リゾートがオープン。薬草湯を用いた「本草湯」が核施設の一つに 미리보기
柴田書店[販賣元] : (株)フ-ド.ビジネス 2021
14764 저널기사 Vista and Office An end to that blue screen of death? 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2007
14765 저널기사 Visual acuity testing in diabetic subjects: the decimal progression chart versus the Freiburg visual acuity test/ 미리보기
Loumann Knudsen, L Springer-Verlag 2003
14766 저널기사 Visual Aesthetics and Product Design: Who, What, and When, They All Matter 미리보기
Chattopadhyay, A.; Stamatogiannakis, A.; Gorn, G. Association for Consumer Research 2013
14767 저널기사 Visual aids: the key to financial data. 미리보기
Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
14768 저널기사 Visual Analog Scales for Interpretation of Back and Leg Pain Intensity in Patients Operated for Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disorders/ 미리보기
Zanoli, Gustavo Lippincott Co., [etc.] 2001
14769 저널기사 Visual Analog Scale (VAS)/ 미리보기
Johnson, Ernest W Published by Williams & Wilkins for the Association of Academic Physiatrists 2001
14770 저널기사 Visual Analogue Scale, Urinary Incontinence Severity Score and 15 D-Psychometric Testing of Three Different Health-related Quality-of-life Instruments for Urinary Incontinent Women/ 미리보기
Stach-Lempinen, B The Almpvist and Wiksell Periodical Co 2001
14771 저널기사 Visual analysis of obesity-related query terms on HealthLink 미리보기
Zhang, J.; Wolfram, D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14772 저널기사 Visual analysis of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics/ 미리보기
Frank, M 2001
14773 저널기사 Visual analytics gives retailers a competitive edge 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
14774 저널기사 Visual and acoustic sensors for early detection of biological invasions: Current uses and future potential 미리보기
Juanes, Francis Urban & Fischer 2018
14775 저널기사 Visual and Auditory Message Framing Effects on Tobacco Smoking/ 미리보기
Schneider, Tamera R 2001
14776 저널기사 Visual and Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Rice Taste Evaluation 미리보기
Kawamura, S American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1997
14777 저널기사 Visual and Text Analytics: The Next Step in Forensic Auditing and Accounting. 미리보기
Aldhizer III George R. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2017
14778 저널기사 Visual and Verbal Guidance in the learning of a Novel motor Skill/ 미리보기
Sidaway, B Teviot Scientific 2001
14779 저널기사 Visual and verbal information processing in a consumer context: Further considerations 미리보기
Wyer, R. S.; Jiang, Y.; Hung, I. W. Taylor & Francis 2008
14780 저널기사 Visual and verbal processing strategies in comprehension and judgment 미리보기
Wyer, R. S.; Hung, I. W.; Jiang, Y. Taylor & Francis 2008
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