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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
14941 저널기사 Visualization of magnetoconvection/ 미리보기
Andreev, O American Institute of Physics 2003
14942 저널기사 Visualization of Mitochondrial Protein Import in Cultured Mammalian Cells with Green Fluorescent Protein and Effects of Overexpression of the Human Import Receptor Tom20 미리보기
Yano, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
14943 저널기사 Visualization of Mitochondria with Green Fluorescent Protein in CulturedFibroblasts from Patients with Mitochondrial Diseases 미리보기
Kanazawa, M Academic Press 1980
14944 저널기사 Visualization of Molecular Fluctuations near the Critical Point of the Coil-Stretch Transition in Polymer Elongation/ 미리보기
Babcock, H. P American Chemical Society 2003
14945 저널기사 Visualization of nanostructured porous silicon by a combination of transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy 미리보기
Teschke, O American Institute of Physics 1980
14946 저널기사 Visualization of natural convection in a side-heated cavity: transition to the final steady state 미리보기
Schoepf, W Pergamon Press 1980
14947 저널기사 Visualization of ordered genomic RNA and localization of transcriptionalcomplexes in rotavirus 미리보기
Prasad, B. V. V Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
14948 저널기사 Visualization of phase-separated boundary in liquid 3He-4He mixtures by MRI 미리보기
Ueno, T North-Holland 2000
14949 저널기사 Visualization of prostate cancer using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI: comparison with transrectal power Doppler ultrasound/ 미리보기
Ito, H British Institute of Radiology 2003
14950 저널기사 Visualization of protein crystal growth inside hanging-drop reactors of the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility 미리보기
Carotenuto, L Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
14951 저널기사 Visualization of Proteus mirabilis Morphotypes in the Urinary Tract: the Elongated Swarmer Cell Is Rarely Observed in Ascending Urinary Tract Infection/ 미리보기
Jansen, A. M American Society for Microbiology 2003
14952 저널기사 Visualization of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 as a highly extended molecule and mapping of protein epitopes for monoclonal antibodies 미리보기
Li, F American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
14953 저널기사 Visualization of roll patterns in Rayleigh-B�nard convection of air in a rectangular shallow cavity/ 미리보기
Lir, J T Pergamon Press 2001
14954 저널기사 Visualization of scientific co-authorship in Spanish universities: From regionalization to internationalization 미리보기
Olmeda-Gomez, C.; Perianes-Rodriguez, A.; Ovalle-Perandones, M. A.; Guerrero-Bote, V. P.; Anegon, F. d. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
14955 저널기사 Visualization of single-walled carbon nanotubes electrical networks by scanning force microspy/ 미리보기
de Pablo, P J American Institute of Physics 2001
14956 저널기사 Visualization of Slow Axonal Transport in Vivo 미리보기
Terada, S American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
14957 저널기사 Visualization of Specific Gene Expression in Individual Salmonella typhimurium Cells by In Situ PCR 미리보기
Tolker-Nielsen, T American Society for Microbiology. 1980
14958 저널기사 Visualization of Subdural Electrodes/ 미리보기
Vollmar, C American Society of Neuroradiology 2003
14959 저널기사 Visualization of supercoiled DNA with atomic force microscopy in situ 미리보기
Lyubchenko, Y. L National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
14960 저널기사 Visualization of supercurrent distribution by THz radiation mapping 미리보기
Yamashita, Masatsugu North-Holland 2000
맨앞 이전 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 다음 맨뒤
