14981 |
Visualizing a specific contact in the HIV-1 Tat protein fragment and trans-activation responsive region RNA complex by photocross-linking
Liu, Y
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.]
14982 |
Visualizing Asymmetric Competition Among More Than 1,000 Products Using Big Search Data
Ringel, Daniel M.; Skiera, Bernd
Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS)
14983 |
Visualizing bivariate local spatial autocorrelation between commodity revealed comparative advantage index of China and USA from a new space perspective
Sijing Ye, Changxiu Cheng, Changqing Song, Shi Shen
Pion Ltd.
14984 |
Visualizing catch-age analysis: a case study
Richards, L. J
National Research Council Canada
14985 |
Visualizing caveolin-1 and HDL in cholesterol-loaded aortic endothelial cells/
Chao, W. T
Lipid Research, inc.]
14986 |
Visualizing changes in nationally averaged PM2.5 concentrations by an alluvial diagram
Ying Liu, Naizhuo Zhao Jennifer K Vanos Guofeng Cao
Pion Ltd.
14987 |
Visualizing China’s river network
Fang Wang ; Fangqu Niu
Pion Ltd.
14988 |
Visualizing classical periodic orbits from the quantum energy spectrum via the Fourier transform: Simple infinite well examples
Robinett, R. W
Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics]
14989 |
Visualizing clustering characteristics of multidimensional arable land quality indexes at the county level in mainland China
Sijing Ye ; Changqing Song ; Peichao Gao ; Chenyu Liu ; Changxiu Cheng
Pion Ltd.
14990 |
Visualizing Data: You can use data visualization tools in a standalone environment
Brooks, P. L
M & T Pub., Inc
14991 |
Visualizing Diffusion Flame Formation in the Wake of Partially Premixed Combustion/
Lyons, K M
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
14992 |
Visualizing disparities in park access for the elderly in Shanghai, China
Linxin Ouyang, Zhenxuan Yin, De Wang
Pion Ltd.
14993 |
Visualizing DNA replication in a catalytically active Bacillus DNA polymerase crystal
Kiefer, J. R
Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.]
14994 |
Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy
Palm, J.; Ellegrd, K.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
14995 |
Visualizing Global Migration
Sander, Nikolas; Abel, Guy; Bauer, Ramon
School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
14996 |
Visualizing greenhouse gas emissions from construction activities
Hajibabai, L.; Aziz, Z.; Pena-Mora, F.
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
14997 |
Visualizing How One Brain Understands Another: A PET Study of Theory of Mind/
Calarge, C
American Psychiatric Association]
14998 |
Visualizing intercity scientific collaboration networks in China
Wei Chen; Chunliang Xiu; Weidong Liu; Zhigao Liu; Zhaoyuan Yu
Pion Ltd.
14999 |
Visualizing Knowledge in Project-Based Work
Whyte, J.; Ewenstein, B.; Hales, M.; Tidd, J.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
15000 |
Visualizing law in the age of the digital baroque:arabesques and entanglements
법학도서관 대출가능
Richard K Sherwin