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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
14981 저널기사 Visualizing a specific contact in the HIV-1 Tat protein fragment and trans-activation responsive region RNA complex by photocross-linking 미리보기
Liu, Y American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
14982 저널기사 Visualizing Asymmetric Competition Among More Than 1,000 Products Using Big Search Data 미리보기
Ringel, Daniel M.; Skiera, Bernd Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS) 2016
14983 저널기사 Visualizing bivariate local spatial autocorrelation between commodity revealed comparative advantage index of China and USA from a new space perspective 미리보기
Sijing Ye, Changxiu Cheng, Changqing Song, Shi Shen Pion Ltd. 2021
14984 저널기사 Visualizing catch-age analysis: a case study 미리보기
Richards, L. J National Research Council Canada 1980
14985 저널기사 Visualizing caveolin-1 and HDL in cholesterol-loaded aortic endothelial cells/ 미리보기
Chao, W. T Lipid Research, inc.] 2003
14986 저널기사 Visualizing changes in nationally averaged PM2.5 concentrations by an alluvial diagram 미리보기
Ying Liu, Naizhuo Zhao Jennifer K Vanos Guofeng Cao Pion Ltd. 2018
14987 저널기사 Visualizing China’s river network 미리보기
Fang Wang ; Fangqu Niu Pion Ltd. 2022
14988 저널기사 Visualizing classical periodic orbits from the quantum energy spectrum via the Fourier transform: Simple infinite well examples 미리보기
Robinett, R. W Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 1980
14989 저널기사 Visualizing clustering characteristics of multidimensional arable land quality indexes at the county level in mainland China 미리보기
Sijing Ye ; Changqing Song ; Peichao Gao ; Chenyu Liu ; Changxiu Cheng Pion Ltd. 2022
14990 저널기사 Visualizing Data: You can use data visualization tools in a standalone environment 미리보기
Brooks, P. L M & T Pub., Inc 1980
14991 저널기사 Visualizing Diffusion Flame Formation in the Wake of Partially Premixed Combustion/ 미리보기
Lyons, K M American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
14992 저널기사 Visualizing disparities in park access for the elderly in Shanghai, China 미리보기
Linxin Ouyang, Zhenxuan Yin, De Wang Pion Ltd. 2020
14993 저널기사 Visualizing DNA replication in a catalytically active Bacillus DNA polymerase crystal 미리보기
Kiefer, J. R Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1998
14994 저널기사 Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy 미리보기
Palm, J.; Ellegrd, K. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
14995 저널기사 Visualizing Global Migration 미리보기
Sander, Nikolas; Abel, Guy; Bauer, Ramon School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University 2015
14996 저널기사 Visualizing greenhouse gas emissions from construction activities 미리보기
Hajibabai, L.; Aziz, Z.; Pena-Mora, F. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
14997 저널기사 Visualizing How One Brain Understands Another: A PET Study of Theory of Mind/ 미리보기
Calarge, C American Psychiatric Association] 2003
14998 저널기사 Visualizing intercity scientific collaboration networks in China 미리보기
Wei Chen; Chunliang Xiu; Weidong Liu; Zhigao Liu; Zhaoyuan Yu Pion Ltd. 2015
14999 저널기사 Visualizing Knowledge in Project-Based Work 미리보기
Whyte, J.; Ewenstein, B.; Hales, M.; Tidd, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
15000 단행본 Visualizing law in the age of the digital baroque:arabesques and entanglements 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Richard K Sherwin Routledge 2011
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