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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
15001 저널기사 Visualizing motion in potential wells 미리보기
Jolly, P Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 1980
15002 저널기사 Visualizing pesticide usage in the United States from 1992 to 2009 미리보기
Mingshu Wang Pion Ltd. 2016
15003 저널기사 Visualizing rhizosphere chemistry of legumes with mid-infrared synchrotron radiation/ 미리보기
Raab, Theodore K Springer-Verlag 2001
15004 저널기사 Visualizing Roadmaps: A Design-Driven Approach 미리보기
Kerr, Clive; Phaal, Robert Industrial Research Institute 2015
15005 저널기사 Visualizing Roadmaps: A Design-Driven Approach Clive Kerr and Robert Phaal demonstrate how a systematic, design-driven approach to roadmap formulation can help communicate strategic and tactical insights more effectively 미리보기
unknown Industrial Research Institute 2015
15006 단행본 Visualizing secured transactions 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Laura B. Bartell LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2007
15007 저널기사 Visualizing solutions in network analysis with visual basic for applications 미리보기
15008 저널기사 Visualizing Sparse Gridded Data Sets - Gridded data sets with many missing values pose a problem because most visualization algorithms fail when presented with incomplete cells. The authors discuss visualization methods that handle this problem./ 미리보기
Djurcilov, Suzana IEEE Computer Society 2000
15009 저널기사 Visualizing spatial disparities in population aging in the Seoul Metropolitan Area 미리보기
Hee Jin Yang Pion Ltd. 2021
15010 저널기사 Visualizing Structures in Financial Time-Series Datasets through Affinity-Based Diffusion Transition Embedding 미리보기
Rui Ding Pageant Media Ltd 2023
15011 저널기사 Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat. By Ai Hisano. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. 336 pp. Photographs, illustrations, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 9780674983892. 미리보기
Bartow J. Elmore Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2020
15012 저널기사 Visualizing the competitive recognition of TATA-boxes in vertebrate promoters 미리보기
Audic, S Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
15013 저널기사 Visualizing the distribution and transport of mRNAs in living cells/ 미리보기
Bratu, D. P National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
15014 저널기사 Visualizing the evolution of per capita carbon emissions of Chinese cities, 2001–2016 미리보기
Weiting Xiong, Zhicheng Liu, Shaojian Wang, Yingcheng Li Pion Ltd. 2020
15015 저널기사 Visualizing the gay community in Beijing with location-based social media 미리보기
Bo Zhao Daniel Z Sui Zhaohui Li Pion Ltd. 2017
15016 저널기사 Visualizing the intercity highway network in Mainland China 미리보기
Niu Fangqu Li Jun Pion Ltd. 2019
15017 저널기사 Visualizing the intercity railway network in Mainland China 미리보기
Fangqu Niu Jun Li Pion Ltd. 2018
15018 저널기사 Visualizing the Invisible: Towards an Urban Space, edited by Stephen Read and Camilo Panilla 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2008
15019 저널기사 Visualizing the largest annual human migration during the Spring Festival travel season in China 미리보기
Maogui Hu Pion Ltd. 2019
15020 저널기사 Visualizing the mass and width spectrum of unstable particles/ 미리보기
Harshman, N. L Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 2003
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